
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sleep Peacefully

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8 (NKJV)

                   Dwell in Safety…..

All good things!  What a wonderful Psalm of David to meditate on in the evening.   There are so many different issues surrounding sleep - we can’t fall asleep, or we wake up and can’t get back to sleep, or we’re afraid of the darkness. 

As the day ends and darkness settles; the things that bother us tend to come to the surface.  Health problems and pain always seem to be worse in the evening.  Along with the night come the anxious thoughts of our various circumstances, hindering our sleep.  

I like the quietness of the night, but I don’t like the dark.   When nights are particularly difficult, the morning light seeping through my window along with the sound of chirping birds is a welcome blessing.  I know the Lord has seen me through the night.

If you are trusting in Jesus, you can confidently be assured He’ll be watching over you through the darkness, through your fears, through the tossing and turning. 

No matter what transpires in your life, you can be safe in Him.  He assures us of His constant care and promises in this verse to be our night watchman, free of charge. 

I have been humming the hymn below all week and not tiring of it.  It brings me a lot of comfort knowing I am sheltered, and protected by the Lord Jesus.  Safe am I, in the hollow of his hand.

Safe am I, Safe am I,
In the hollow of His hand;
Sheltered o'er, sheltered o'er
With His love forever more
No ill can harm me, No foe alarm me,
For He keeps both day and night,
Safe am I, Safe am I,
In the hollow of His hand.


Thanks so much for stopping by.  


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  1. A very lovely post, Dear ~ I love that verse. I wrote a song "Whisper His Name" that came to mind one night when I was having trouble with asthma. People really seem to like it. I need to record it, but it is so hard. It is a little high., under the Label - Jesus.

  2. This is so sweet, Abby. Love the soft colors in the background ~ lovely!

  3. I would love to have such beautiful art hanging in my bedroom right above the bed. The older I have become, the more challenging it can be to enjoy a peaceful night's rest. What a lovely promise from the Lord!

  4. This IS a LOVELY post! It is CALMING & PEACEFUL!!!!! I believe "annointed!" We live in such TROUBLED times! And we ALL need the Lords' Peace!!!!!!!!!! Thank the Lord He is FAITHFUL to His Word!!!!!!!!! God Bless You Abby!!!!!!! :)

  5. Thank you, Abbey, for such an inspiring post! It is indeed wonderful to know that we are safe in the Lord, no matter what is happening around us! And thank you to the ladies who share such lovely gifts! Hugs

  6. Abby, This is a beautiful post.

  7. A wonderful share...I quote that scripture many nights before I sleep...God is good and so mindful of those he loves. His peace is the only true peace I have....blessings

  8. This is perfect as usual, Abby. I am thankful that all throughout my life I have always been blessed with good sleep. I can get up in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep. I do know; however, that night time brings a lot of thoughts to our mind and the obvious to our bodies. Years ago I got into the habit of saying, "I have it all" as I doze off. When I think of all the suffering in this world, I cannot help but say that. When I think of Christ, I cannot help but say that.
    I wasn't planning on sharing this post, but then I thought, why not? Although it's a simple handwritten sentiment on the back of one of my recently finished tags, it is still God's beautiful Word.
    Hope it blesses you.
    Thank you for hosting, my friend, and congrats to Karen.

  9. There is so much comfort knowing we have such a loving father - Have a wonderful weekend :)

  10. So true, pain does seem to hurt worse at night. So thankful for the assurance that God is with us. It's been a long time since I've heard the song but I'm reminded why I like it -- I'm hidden in the hollow of God's hand!

  11. Oh Abby, I trust you find yourself there -- "in the hollow of His hand" -- as you go through your dark valley. Been praying for you....hope you'll find peace and rest in your midnight hour.

  12. Thank you, dear Abby for these words of comfort. Now I'm humming that song too! I will share these scriptures with my troubled friends who can't sleep!
    May you be blessed!

  13. Beautiful post Abby. I would love to join your Thursday challenge this week but Mr Linky is not allowing me to do so. However, wishing you a blessed week. Hugs, Wendy M xx

  14. Hi Abby.Long time no see.I hope all is well with you my friend.Happy Spring,have a great new week ahead.


  15. What a beautiful post! You have a beautiful and inspiring blog! I am happy to be your newest follower! Have a blessed Sunday! :) xo Heather

  16. Stopping by to say hello on this Sunday evening, my friend. Was hoping to soak up some of the beautiful serenity here.
    Always a pleasure.

  17. Abby, I just wanted to say thank you for sending the mini album over to me. It's GORGEOUS! I didn't intend to win anything when posting to Scripture Thursday. I got the package in the mail, but have been so busy I didn't send a proper thank you. I went over to Karen's blog and thanked her as well. You gals are the best! <3


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