
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Day by Day

As your days, so shall your strength be.
Deuteronomy 33:25b
In the fall of 1832, in a rectory in Sweden, a baby girl named Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell was born.  She was ill as a child and spent much of her time with her father in his study, he was a pastor.  Little Lina as she became known, grew very close to her father.  When she was twenty six, she took a voyage at sea with him.  The boat lurched and he was pitched into the sea, drowning while she helplessly watched.  

Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg

Lina was heartbroken at the loss of her earthly father.  At this time, she drew closer to her heavenly father, and was inspired to write hymns.  Lina became known as the Fanny Crosby of Sweden, writing over 650 hymns.  In 1867 she married C.O. Berg, a merchant from Stockholm.  She continued to initial her hymns L.S. (Lina Sandell).

free scripture graphic

One of the hymns she was most well-known for was Day by Day.  I’m sure that a lifetime of ill health, coupled with the loss of her precious father, helped her form the words of this song.   Lina learned that God provided the strength she needed, Day by Day.  She didn’t need to look to the future, God was already there.  

This hymn, written about 150 years ago is timeless.  Such wisdom and comfort in words we can still apply to our lives today.  

Day by Day
Karolina W. Sandell-Berg

Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best—
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.

free vintage graphic

Every day, the Lord Himself is near me
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
He whose name is Counselor and Power;
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,
This the pledge to me He made.

free vintage graphic

Help me then, in every tribulation
So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation
Offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
E’er to take, as from a father’s hand,
One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
Till I reach the promised land.

One day is enough to focus on.  If the day seems overwhelming, take a section of the day.  I have numerous friends in great trials right now.  One of these dear women clings to God’s promise in this passage of scripture:

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD;
I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in Your hand;
Psalm 31:14-15a

Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

This post is linked to: Word Art Wednesday,   Monday Musings, Deep Roots at Home, Fellowship Fridays , A Cherished Keeper, Titus Tuesdays, Hearts4Home Whatever you want Wednesday Faith Filled Friday
Wholehearted Home

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  1. Abby, over and over, day after day, your words are a blessing to me. Today was no disappointment! The physical pain of an illness has been overwhelming to me the past few days and these words will help me make it through just one more day. My Daddy was a wonderful pastor and bass singer. Day By Day is one of the songs I can still hear his bass voice singing, even though he has been gone 15 years now. I loved to play the piano for him to sing and that is one of my favorite songs. Thanks for bringing up that memory, and for your words of encouragement! Blessings ten-fold back to you!

  2. Abby...I just loved this post! How humbling to know that our days are in His hands. And you're right in saying that one day is enough to focus on. Thank you for a sweet reminder. Blessings sweet friend.

  3. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, the hymn and the free printables, Abby. Many blessings on your day.

  4. What a blessing to know that His mercies are new each morning. I'm having one of those "sleepness nights" and this was a real blessing to me. Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragment, and for sharing them with us at Word Art Wednesday. Your art and heart for the Lord are such a tremendous blessings.

  5. Thank you Abby for your words of encouragement! Your images are BEAUTIFUL as usual! Times are getting TOUGH for EVERYONE! God DOES hold us in His hands! What a COMFORT! :)

  6. What an incredible story. We could even say an incredibly sad story except that L.S. became sweeter through tribulation and not more bitter. Thank you for sharing the story behind this beloved hymn.

    1. And here I am reading all these years later... ☺️

  7. This post was such a tremendous blessing. I just loved this hymn story. I hadn't heard this one before. I love the song, Day by Day...just love it. It is a blessing to see a hymn posted :-)

    I just found your blog through Naomi sharing your post over at What Joy Is Mine.

  8. Hi Abby, thanks for your comment on my blog. I am delighted to discover your blog and the Scriptures/hymns shared on Thursdays. I will be back!

  9. Thank you Abby for sharing Karolina Sandell's testimony. In a world that has tendency to cry out "not fair" it's so important to remember that life is not always fair but God is always righteous and just and circumstances that happen are for a greater purpose. Lifting up your friends in prayer. God bless. Keeping my eyes on Jesus.

  10. thank you Abby for the reminder to take one day at a time, and that God has ALL my days in His gracious, loving hands.

  11. wonderful post!!! And thanks for stopping by! :)
    ~Heather @ The Welcoming House

  12. I'm just getting back online today. Thanks so much for sharing. I always enjoy reading your posts. They are so thoughtful and powerful.


  13. are the reader's choice this week at WJIM. I'm excited to feature this precious post. Blessings.

  14. I'm so thankful God directed me here tonight. Day by Day is a special song. When our Sarah died a friend sent me the words to this song. It's a comfort each time I hear it. It's awesome to know about the woman who wrote it.

  15. Oh how I needed this tonight. My trials are small at the moment, but no less trying and cause for worry. This was so timely for me to read! Thank you for sharing at Fellowship Friday on Christian Mommy Blogger!

  16. One of my favorite songs! I didn't know the story behind it - thanks for sharing that today!
    You're right -- one day at a time is enough.


Your comments are blessings to my day.