
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Appreciating Your Pastor

Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you,
who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 
Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.
Live in peace with each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 NIV

The month of October is recognized as Pastor Appreciation Month.  To appreciate – means to be thankful or show gratitude for.  I can tell you that I appreciate my pastor very much.  You see… my pastor, is also my husband.

Last Sunday our church held a special dinner in his honor (and mine).  Along with my husband, I share in his ministry at a beautiful church, nestled on a hill, in a small fishing village on the coast of Maine. 

Being a pastor is a labor of love – love for the Lord and His people.  There is a lot of behind the scenes things a pastor does that his congregation never sees, nor is he able to share with them.   I’m sure you realize, it’s more than just a Sunday morning message. 

I asked my husband, specifically what the desire of his heart was for his congregation.  He said there were two things –

1.     Make God a priority over anything else!

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25

Your church attendance not only will benefit you by helping you grow spiritually, but it encourages your pastor, and lifts up the rest of your church family.   

2.     That the people would have a desire to grow spiritually by reading/studying their bibles, and praying. 

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!  2 Peter 3:18

No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, there is always room for growth.  I call my husband “The Bible Answer Man”.  There is no one that I know personally that knows more about the Bible than him.  He will however, be the first to tell you that he’s always learning.

I used to ask God to help me.
Then I asked if I might help Him.
I ended up by asking Him
to do his work through me.

James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)
English missionary and founder
of China Inland Mission

Don’t take your pastor for granted, he needs encouragement as some days are really hard for him and you don’t know what he’s been through.  There is a lot that he holds in and keeps between himself and God. 

The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.  1 Timothy 5:17

What are some ways you can encourage your pastor and his wife?

Praying for him and his family and letting him know that you do
A simple note of appreciation when a particular message spoke to you.
Ask questions about the bible or his message, it shows him you are interested.
Helping when you see a need within your church or otherwise
Vegetables from your garden.
A food item that you enjoy making
Being faithful in your church attendance
Visiting the older people in your congregation

pray for your pastor and his family

If you are a Pastor’s wife or a wife of someone in ministry – here are some suggestions I have learned for supporting my husband.

Praying for him, praying with him
Respecting his study time by not interrupting
Keep peace in your home (especially Saturday evening and Sunday morning)
Give him a good breakfast Sunday morning
Be his helpmate, ask him what can do to help
Be his biggest supporter and cheerleader
Talk to him about his message, ask questions, give feedback, show you were listening
Respect his hobbies and need for personal down time

This is my husband’s prayer for his congregation, found in Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,  so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,  filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

What are some ways you encourage your pastor?  If you are a pastor’s wife, what are some ways you show support for your husband?

Linked to:  A Sheltering Tree


  1. For about a dozen years, I worked closely with the pastors of my church. Yes, there were two. I saw firsthand all that they dealt with from murderous people who wished them harm to plunging toilets to comforting the grieving to praying with children to rocking babies to making tee-pees on the lawn for the school kids. It's a big job with a lot of variety. Your tips are wonderful and the photo of your reflective husband/pastor is very special. Thank you for the reminder about Pastor Appreciation. I must ask John if his pastors have been appreciated and perhaps plan a little something to do just that if not.

  2. I do appreciate my Pastor very much...he is a young 37 years old,but so wise in his years in things concerning the Lord and his word. The desire he has for his congregation match those of your pastor husband. The church building you and your husband serve at sounds beautiful as you have described it....the picture of your husband sitting on your porch looks so serene,and the one of him surrounded by your grandchildren speaks volumes to me....thank you for sharing such a beautiful post first to read for the morning,and a wonderful start for my day :) Blessings friend

  3. Abby, what a wonderful devotion and one that I am glad I read. We have a wonderful pastor and I thank God daily for sending my husband and me to our church. God has blessed us by being there and I pray that I have blessed our pastor and his family. Thanks for the reminder of what we need to do as a congregation in praying and encouraging our pastor. God Bless dear sister!

  4. SERIOUSLY, These things you've mentioned Abby, should be done by all, TO ALL! Not just the Pastor! Just for MUTUAL RESPECT FOR ONE ANOTHER! In the home & for those we touch in everyday life! Can you imagine what kind of world that would be like? We should ALWAYS BE APPRECIATIVE for what we have & who is in our lives! A person in Authority, has to EARN RESPECT just like anyone else! It IS NICE for people to show their appreciation...but, EVERYONE needs to do that to ANYONE who has touched their lives! BE APPRECIATIVE!!!!!!!! I like to make homemade goodies for gifts of appreciation! Now, that I'm doing paper crafts, that would be the PERFECT ADDITION to make the gift even MORE SPECIAL! :)In our new church, I haven't heard anyone mention Pastor Appreciation...(churches in the past have) So, Thank you Abby for reminding us!

  5. Thank you. I love this post. From almost the day I became a Christian God placed on my heart a passion to care for those in full time ministry - pastors and missionaries. It has always been a strong focus for me. As God would have it I found myself married to someone wanting to be (and now is) a pastor. So this post has been an encouragement to me at so many levels. And like the others, the beautiful photos speak volumes. Thank you.

  6. This is a very special post Abby! Thank you for sharing. We live too far to attend church and we are in fact a family of many denominations.
    Despite it all, we live in harmony and pray together.
    God bless,

  7. I'm so very glad that your congregation recognizes and appreciates the mature Godly leadership that you provide together in caring for the body. I appreciate YOU so very much for your kindness, wisdom and grace. You are a lovely example of the Titus 2 woman that the church needs more of! I pray that the Lord will richly bless you both for you faithful service to Him.

  8. I'm beginning a Sheltering Party this Wednesday on my blog and was hoping you would link your Pastor blog post and another of your choice. Sharing sheltering posts will give us all new ideas for encouraging others.

  9. I enjoyed reading your blog today and I agree that we being a pastor, or a teacher or a cop are thankless jobs so we need to encourage and appreciate them more often than we do. Thank you for some great ideas on how to encourage more. Blessings...visiting from a Sheltering Party.

  10. Such a wonderful post, Abby! Your husband is so blessed to have you! We have a wonderful pastor and his wife too and I am so thankful for them. Thank you for the reminder!

  11. Ruth in Thomaston, ALOctober 6, 2013 at 8:00 AM

    What an awesome blog! I stumbled across this this morning in hopes to get ideas for our children's church (pastor appreciation Sunday). I grew up as a preacher's kid and know the demands on a pastor that no one sees! It allows me to completely understand the things pastors go through in their ministries! You encouraged me this morning! Thank you! Have a blessed day!

  12. Hi Abby, I am Elizabeth, I just came over from Vee's. I am so happy to have found your blog, it is wonderful. I am now going back and read more of your post!


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