
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ A Handmade Christmas

 Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with your might.
Ecclesiastes 9:10a

free for personal use or sharing

A team of women from our church, myself included, just held our 3rd annual Ladies Christmas Paper-craft Day.  We had a wonderful time helping women to kick start the Christmas season by using their hands to make handmade cards, tags, and ornaments.  Here's a sample of what some of these crafty ladies made. 

Lisa does a great job teaching at the beginner table 
Once the ladies got going, there was no stopping them

It was a day to come together and inspire one another with ideas.  We also had good food for nourishment to keep persevering.  A beginners table for those new to the craft, and oodles of supplies to design to their heart's content. 

We were blessed to have missionary
Beth R. and her mom join us for the day.


Dolly decides to observe Jennie for a bit

My daughter Bethany at the stamping center

loads of supplies were available

good food and drinks to stay nourished & hydrated

 It was a wonderful day and those who attended left with a blessing and a stack of handmade goodies to give to friends and loved ones.  Think handmade this Christmas season.  A gift doesn't have to cost a lot to have value.  In fact, the most precious gifts I've received have been handmade.  My sisters are busy at their sewing machines - one making quilts, the other making stuffed dogs for her grandchildren. 

My husband remembers his grandmother crocheting all year long the edgings for pillowcases.  She would hand sew them on to crisp white pillowcases and present family and friends with a fresh new set each Christmas.  She also hand sewed aprons for the ladies.  He looked forward to her homemade corn balls, which I have not been able to duplicate. 

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. 
2 Corinthians 9:7

What types of things are you making this Christmas season to give as gifts.  What skills do you have? 
What resources do you already have that you could use without buying more?

Think outside the box - I'm sure you have something you're good at. 
Perhaps offer a gift certificate for your services. 

Some Ideas
computer services
yard work
a cooked meal


If you have other ideas for the readers here, please share them in the comment section.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a blessed week.

This post is linked to: Fellowship Fridays

What Joy is Mine, Hearts for Home Thursday, Encourage One Another,
Word Art Wednesday
, Clever Chicks Blog Hop,


  1. Oh what fun it would have been to join you and the other ladies, making Christmas crafts! I love your ideas, to give handcrafted, and to think of creative gifts from the heart. Great suggestions! Love the clip art too! Thank you so much! I'm making some Scherenschnitte designs again this year. many patterns can be fond online. Also, I'm giving gifts right from my stock of vintage treasures, that I have for my Etsy shop. Why should I go out and spend money that I don't have, when I have all these nice things to share?
    Thank you for the pretty pictures and scriptures! Happy holiday crafting!
    Love, Linda

  2. Homemade popcorn balls made the good old New England way with molasses? I have an old recipe if you'd be interested.

    Oh I so enjoyed seeing your get-together. Women doing something fun and helpful, too, all the while fellowshipping. Oh and I saw something I hope to share, too, and that is to place a toaster on the serving table...excellent idea!

    (I think our daughters look like cousins. ☺)

  3. Thank you for sharing about your delightful day - it sounds like it was wonderful :) And thank you for the lovely Scripture. I agree, handmade gifts are special and mean a lot. I am hoping to get some Lavender sachets made and a couple of purses :) Have a blessed day!


  4. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Wish I lived close enough to attend ---- Love your "outside the box" ideas!
    I'm working on knitted clutches and homemade card sets for some of my Christmas gifts.

  5. Thank you Abby for your SUPER IMAGES! AND yes, I have been thinking on those lines too this year! HOMEMADE! (I USUALLY DO!) I too ALWAYS ENJOY receiving homemade gifts THE BEST! AND GIVING homemade gifts THE BEST TOO!I like to make HOMEMADE ORNAMENTS! You could attach or write the year somewhere on it. So, if you gave another ornament the next year, they would be able to distinguish one year from the next...:)

  6. I would like to invite you to join me at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  7. Abby, well once again - you are SUCH a blessing! I enjoyed these photos SO much, and it makes me want to come visit you even more. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time of fellowship. God is just SO GOOD. Your art is wonderful as always - I love the vintage image. Such a treat to visit you. I just prayed for you as I stopped by. Have a blessed week!
    Your friend and sister in Jesus,
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  8. Hi Abby ~ I found you at the link-up with Our Simple Country life. From the pictures it looks like your Christmas craft day was a ton of fun - it made me wish to be there! I love the Ecclesiastes 9:10a - I use it for myself and with my children. I also love all of your vintage pictures, they are beautiful!

  9. FABULOUS PIX! It's a wonderful capture of a wonderful day, and you and your committee made it all possible! Good job, Friend!
    Sheila Thomas Hill, mid-coast ME

  10. Such a great reminder . It looks like y'all had a wonderful time together . Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hello, I am a new follower of your blog, I see you offer digital images of hymns, and I love them and have been wanting some of these for my crafts I create. So I will thank you in advance, because I will be visiting your blog often. Oh, by the way, I have blog candy on my blog if your interested, details here, God bless.

  12. Abby what a fun day you must have had :-)!
    I will be giving crocheted bookmarks with some of my gifts this year.

  13. Oh what a fun idea! I've never done anything like this, but tucking it in the back of mind for later. Thanks for linking up at Christian Mommy Blogger!

  14. Abby, I really want to meet you. The pictures you posted made nostalga rise up and make me wonder about many things. Thank you for all the things you share with us all.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday

  15. Oh Abby, what a special day! I would have liked to slip in a observe a bit (and stamp away!) Your ideas here are perfect. We all have talents that could share with others. I'm making the grandboys chaps and leather cowbow vests and our Sarah a princess dress. My sewing machine will get a workout.

    Praying daily for you and your husband.

  16. What a wonderful day! Beautiful cards and fellowship...I am sure each and every lady was very blessed! :0)

  17. Thanks for sharing...I bake pies. Maybe I could give the gift of a pie sometime throughout the year!


Your comments are blessings to my day.