
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Christmas Letter

And suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host
praising God, and saying, 
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:10-14

A Christmas letter arrived this year in a card like so many of them do.  This one was different.  It came from a mom of little ones named Melissa, who is related to us through my husband.  I started reading it and was surprised and touched by what I read. 

It was so moving,  I asked Melissa if I could share it with my readers.  She agreed and so, here is "The Christmas Letter". 

In Melissa's words:

I have never done this in a Christmas card before, but I feel the need to share my heart at this time.  Christmas is a very special time of year - a time to marvel at twinkling lights, sing along to a familiar carol, and cuddle up on the couch to watch heartwarming Christmas movies. 

While I definitely enjoy all these things, Christmas signifies something much more important to me.  It is the miracle of God becoming flesh and entering a sin-ridden world for you and for me.  The Baby in the manger grew up and bore our sins on a cross to offer a free gift of salvation to all who would accept it.  What a reason to celebrate.

Writer of The Christmas Letter and one of her littles

Many of you are already well aware of the events in my family's life during 2012.  In brief, we discovered I had a pregnancy complication, complete placenta previa, that had also been present with the previous pregnancy and caused a very scary sequence of events surrounding delivery. 

To avoid a similar traumatic situation, I ended up spending 7 weeks in a very capable hospital an hour away from my family.  Needless to say, this was not something that we would have planned, had we the power to write the story of our lives.

However, when I think of my sweet baby, I am reminded that every minute spent in the hospital room, stuck in bed was worthwhile.  Yes I shed many tears.  Yes, I wanted to go home.  I cannot say it was much easier for my husband and children who had a long drive to come see me, and relied on others to help with childcare and food.

However, during that time we were blessed in so many ways.  It is amazing what others did for us.  Throughout it all, God's grace carried us.

Melissa with her three Blessings

You see, Jesus came as a baby so long ago, but now He lives in my heart.  Many years ago, I freely accepted that first Christmas gift to the world and am very grateful that I did.  I continue to have struggles in my life, but I have Someone greater than I Who willingly shoulders the burdens.  I am not perfect but I know Someone Who is.  He is the Christ of Christmas, my Savior, my friend.

May you experience the true peace that Christ offers and enjoy a blessed Christmas. 

Thank you sweet Melissa for sharing your heart with us, and allowing me to share it with my readers. 

May you all have a blessed Christmas, and may the blessings flow over to you in the new year.  I appreciate each and every one of you. 



  2. Merry Christmas, Abby! Thanks for sharing such a precious testimony. Have a blessed day with your family!

  3. A very special letter indeed. What an incredible testimony and an incredible mother's heart displayed. Many blessings to her as she raises her "littles" who are simply darling by the way. Hope that your day was wonderful and I'll be thinking of you and Bill this week...tomorrow especially.

  4. Reading this was a blessing to me! Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story Abby. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Thank you for referring us back here - I had missed it - what a wonderful testimony of God's card during a difficult time.

  7. Sweet Christmas letter written by a mommy who knows Jesus.


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