
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Treasures of the Snow

Living on the coast of Maine, we get to experience all four seasons.  Winter is one of my favorite seasons to get my camera out and photograph God's beautiful creation.  When the snow is fresh and untouched, it’s like millions of tiny diamonds firing light in every direction, almost like they are alive.  I love the stillness that the snow brings, a quiet calm.   

Wilson A. Bentley ~ The Snowflake Man
Wilson A. Bentley (1865-1931) was from a small town in Vermont,  He was given a microscope at the age of 15, and became fascinated with snowflakes.  He attracted world attention with his work in photographing snowflakes, or snow crystals as they are also called.  By attaching a camera to his microscope, he perfected a process of catching flakes on black velvet in such a way that their images could be captured before they melted.   In 1885 he became the first person to photograph a single snow crystal 


He captured more than 5000 snowflakes during his lifetime, not finding any two alike.  Aren't they fascinating? 

"Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated.  ~ Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley 1925

With the more modern equipment of today, here is a more detailed photograph of a snowflake.

WOWZA!  Isn't it beautiful?   Bentley called them, a masterpiece of design, and no one design was ever repeated.  

Truly, God's handiwork is evident here.  God speaks about the "treasures of the snow" to Job.

Have you entered the treasury of snow,
Or have you seen the treasury of hail?
Job 38:22

 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed
by the word of God,
so that the things which are seen were not made
of things which are visible.

Hebrews 11:3

All I have seen, teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 - 1882 ~

Try using a magnifying glass and investigating a snowflake, or other piece of nature that God has given you.  You may be surprised by what you find. 

Here's a link to many photos of snowflakes:

Take time to:

Be Still.....

and know......
that I am God....
Psalm 46:10

Free WORDart from Karen at Papercraft Memories was used in the photography at the top of this post. 


  1. Abby this is a beautiful post - we do not get snow very often where I live, and when we do it does not stay, so to see these photos is such a special blessing. Thank you.

  2. Your pics are beautiful, the snowflakes are too-enjoy:@)

  3. Beautiful Abby! Thank you!
    What an amazing God we serve...just one more of His treasures...snow!
    Hoping to have at least one beautiful snow this year here in NC!

  4. Thanks snow much for this sweet sweet post : )

    have A Great day!

  5. Oh mercifully I have not had too many "on screech" days of late. Those are rough!

    What beauty! I enjoyed learning more about Mr. Bentley. Currently, I am very intrigued with Jill's work that I have featured on my blog and Pinterest. She's finding similar beauty and she can not help but think about the extravagance of God Who, for the largest part, is the only One Who will see and appreciate His creations. It blows the mind!

    Thanks for participating, Abby!

  6. Abby, what a beautiful collage you have made with your winter pictures! I too love how calm and peaceful everything is during/after a snow storm! (AND I'm pretty excited that we're supposed to get some snow tonight!)
    The verse you paired with your pictures is perfect --- so MANY times being out in nature has drawn my heart to God in worship!
    Thanks for sharing with us today!

  7. The collage is absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing the info. about Mr Bentley, I also was blessed by the scriptures you shared.

  8. What beautiful pictures, Abby! Snow makes me feel the same way. I can't help but feel the stillness and feel God in it. I love snow days! Thanks for using my WORDart and linking to me.

  9. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ABBY!!!!!!!!!!! :) LOOOOOOOOOVE YOUR COLLAGE (& the other photos you've given us!) :) THANK YOU!!!!!!!! :)

  10. I love this post, Abby! Thank you so much for the collage and the reminders of our wonderful Creator!

  11. nice - love all the info. have a great day. glad you linked up to the Note Card Party. ( :

  12. Beautiful and so stunning! This was a lovely post - thank you for sharing :)
    Enjoy your weekend!


  13. I very much liked this post Abby! LEarned a thing or two yet again!
    Keep warm and blessings to you and yours,

  14. Abby: I can see why winter is a favorite season for you in your area - the photos really capture what you have fallen in love with seeing. I do so miss those views (similar to Minnesota). However, if I do ever get to come visit you, I think I will come when it is warmer. LOL
    Your post is a blessing to me, as they always are. You share so much information that makes us all really THINK about the goodness of our God. Thank you, my friend.
    Word Art Wednesday

  15. What an incredible post! I've always been fascinated by geometry in relation to spirituality and scripture, such as the Jesus fish or Ichthus and the different Christian stars. The snowflake images and your photos are absolutely gorgeous! We had a very pretty blanket of snow fall this morning, for which I was grateful. It seemed a bit strange to have winter with not so much snow this year.

    This post really speaks to me in a number of ways. Furthermore, the Psalm 46:10 verse reminder is in perfect timing in the way of affirmation, as this week has been so very busy! Despite my busy schedule, I've been making nightly "time out" sessions again, reading scripture and soaking in "me time", despite my busy work load this week. Yesterday specifically, I had to force myself to do so and was so glad I did. You know what? During that time I had one of my biggest sale days ever! After taking some time out, I went back to my inbox and had the most sales I have ever seen in such a short amount of time. It was like God was sending me a little message of approval. ::winks:: I am well aware that money is not the most important thing in the world, but it definitely makes life a bit easier. I have been practicing gratitude more often as well. Huge hugs! Thanks so much for the inspiration. Sü

  16. Abby, simply beautiful! I love Maine. We last visited in Sept '12. The weather was just turning cold. The ocean was beautiful!

  17. Abby, reading your post, it's been such a blessing! How absolutely amazing God is and how he is so interested in the minuet details. May the Lord be continually exalted!

  18. Hi Abby! My name is Delisa, I am 49 years old and I live out in the country in a small town in Georgia. This is my first time visiting your beautiful blog. I just loved your post today about snowflakes. I love to knit and crochet and recently bought a book on 100 Crocheted Snowflakes. I wanted to make all 100 and hang them in the windows of my sewing room/studio. We get lots of frost, but It only snows here once or twice a year, if that. I hope that you have a lovely evening ahead! Delisa :)

  19. I cannot get over the magnificence of the amazing snowflake. Each one unique and perfect. What a master craftsman our God is!

    Lesley x

  20. This is astounding Abby. Thanks so very much for sharing it.

    Blessing hugs,

  21. Snowflake Bentley? What makes us think of him this time of year? ;)
    I posted a link to him a few days ago and I noticed the beautiful snowflake 'notecards' that were submitted this time around too. Beautiful creations of God captured beautifully by an amazing man..

    Your pictures along with Psalm 46:10.. gorgeous.

    Blessings, Debbie

  22. Oh Abby, you truly astound me every time I read your blog! I grew up in Florida and about all I knew about snow was from the people moving South trying to escape it! Thank you for helping me experience the wonder of snow from someone who really appreciates it as God's handiwork!


  23. Abby...being a photography, I loved learning about Mr. Bentley and his photography of snowflakes. Pretty cool! Thank you for sharing his story friend.

  24. This is so beautifully written, Abby. And so fascinating. I've heard each snowflake is one of a kind, but knowing the story makes it more amazing. The center picture in your collage is breathtaking!


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