
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Scripture Thursday ~ True Wisdom

 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.  
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
driven and tossed by the wind.
James 1:5-6 (NKJV)

This verse tells us if we don’t have wisdom, and ask God in faith, He’ll give it to us generously.  Knowing God through His word, the Bible, is biblical wisdom.  God will reveal truth and understanding to you through his word, if you seek it.  It’s not a marathon to read through the Bible, the goal is not to finish it, but to absorb what you’re reading and retain it. 

We speak to God through prayer, God answers us through His word.  One cannot have a personal relationship without communication.   The Bible is God’s letters to us. 

The book of Proverbs in the Bible is known as the book of wisdom.  Most of its writings are associated with Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived.   His wisdom was given to him by God (see 1 Kings 3:9-12).  
Halley’s Bible Handbook describes the book of Proverbs as this:

Proverbs is a book of practical ethics, an owner’s manual for life.  An owner’s manual explains what needs to be done to avoid serious problems, but it does not guarantee that nothing will ever go wrong.

There are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs; a common practice for many is to read one chapter a day which corresponds with the day of the month.  When you reach the end, start over again.   I challenge you to join me in this daily reading which would literally take no more than 10 minutes per day.   

Robert Morgan who wrote 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart, had this to say about Proverbs:

Think of the book of Proverbs as God’s Twitter feed to the human race.  With Twitter, you have 140 characters for your message or to sum up what’s going on in your life.  These little messages are short bursts of communication.
Proverbs is God’s divinely designed self-improvement course, His textbook for learning how to wise up and live.  The 915 verses in Proverbs represent God’s wisdom for the hundreds of situations we step into each day.

The fear (Reverence) of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV)

The more you read, the more you retain.  Repetitiveness is key, and whether or not you realize it, information is being absorbed.  Stored away in your brain, like a library, that surprisingly is recalled when needed. 


I hope you've enjoyed today's post.  Thank you to all who visit here at my blog or via email.  You are all a blessing to me.  


  1. How ironic to read this tonight because I did read a chapter in Proverbs yesterday(Tues) that corresponded with the day and it was all about wisdom!! Love it, I even wrote in my journal verse 9-10. Blessings to you, my friend!

  2. That first illustration with its stunning blue flowers is beautiful Abby!
    Blessings and a Happy Spring to you and yours,

  3. Thank you so much Abby for your encouraging post! How very important it is to spend time with the Lord through reading His Word. It amazes me that the Holy Spirit brings to mind scripture at just the right times!

  4. Apart from the "self-improvement" of the quote (as the Christian life is definitely not that) there is much to ponder here. It is always a pleasure to see which scripture you will use and which image. I had never heard of reading through the Proverbs that way...what a good idea.

  5. We love the Proverbs in our home. It is our go to manual :) Have a wonderful week!

  6. I did enjoy this post. I am new to your blog. Thanks for sharing. I pray for wisdom a lot because I want to do what is right in God's eyes.

  7. Amen Abby! I don't always comment, but I want you to know that I do read them and I do so much enjoy your post! Blessings to you dear sister in Christ.

  8. Your Scripture art is beautiful, Abby. I love that verse!

    I often read a chapter of Proverbs every day. No matter how many I do, there is always a fresh nugget of wisdom there that speaks to me!

    Thank you for this encouraging post!

  9. Beautiful photo with the Scripture! Thank you for the words of encouragement and challenge. I was convicted about something you said, "It’s not a marathon to read through the Bible, the goal is not to finish it, but to absorb what you’re reading and retain it." Thank you for saying that - it was a good reminder!

    Have a blessed day!


  10. I have enjoyed your post today, and you are always a blessing to us! Have a great Thursday!

  11. Love this post thanks Abby - and thanks to for the graphics.

  12. ah can say amen, and so say all of us tot he comments above..

    a blessing indeed, and for over twenty years I read a chapter in Proverbs every day and as there are 31 one for each day of the month!!

    That makes reading it twelve times a year and so over 240 times in the twenty plus years! :D

    Now do a different routine but used to read a psalm, a chapter in Proverbs and my four chapter to read the Bible through in a year every day..

    What blessing is the precious Word which indeed is light to our path and joy to our heart!

    May we daily drink deeply!!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  13. Reading a chapter in Proverbs a day is a wonderful idea, and I'm going to start doing that, Abby. Your posts are always so beautiful and encouraging. Thank you for the compliment on my new blog design! I think this is one I'll stick with.

  14. When my son-in-law was a teenager he read a proverb a day. He can quote so many of them. And has applied them to his business. I think it's one of the secrets to his success.

    The kind words verse is so true. I try to remember that!

  15. I absolutely LOVE the picture of the lighthouse you posted! It's so peaceful and pretty!
    I too love the Proverbs and used to read a chapter each day -- I need to get back to doing that - so much wisdom contained in that book! No matter how many times I read it, there's always something "new" for me to meditate on!

  16. Love this post and verse!

  17. Thanks for visiting Scripture Melodies today, Abby! In turn, I hopped over to visit Little Birdie Blessings! What beautiful graphics you have on this blog! I'll be back to pin some. :) I hope you'll enjoy my Proverbs melodies. There is at least one scripture song for every chapter. I'm still working on chapter 31, but it should be available soon. Blessings!

  18. Abby, such a blessing to visit you today. As you may remember, I am a daily Proverbs reader. I have not been at it as long as Chaz, but capturing that wisdom in our hearts is in line with God's instruction for our lives. You have said it so well. I am linking, (with your permission) to an, as yet, unwritten post on my blog! The Lord is nudging me to do so even as I read and respond here on your blog!
    Continue blessing and see the blessing flow your way!!


Your comments are blessings to my day.