
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Free Scripture Graphic ~ Cast Your Care

Casting all your care upon Him,
for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

above my kitchen sink ~  the rock angel was made by my friend Pam

God will not permit any troubles to come upon us,
unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing
can come out of the difficulty.

Peter Marshall
1902 - 1949
Chaplain of U.S. Senate

free for personal use or sharing, click for larger size.

For a previous devotion I shared titled "Cast Your Burdens", you can go **here**.  Thank you Karen from Papercraft Memories for the WORDart used to make the above scripture graphic.  Yours free for personal use or sharing. 

Reminding myself and my readers that God does not and has not abandoned us during times of adversity.  I heard recently, the gardener is never closer to the vine but when it is being pruned.  Don't give up, keep persevering!

This post is linked to:  Free Pretty Things for You, Make it Pretty Monday,


  1. Beautiful collage above your sink -- I'll be sharing some "bird stuff" of my own next week!
    Thanks for the reminder as well -- especially this quote: "the gardener is never closer to the vine but when it is being pruned."

  2. That made me grin...the analogy about the gardener and the pruning shears. So true and who wants to ask Him to back away? Not I! Sweet little rock angel...don't think I've seen one before.

  3. such a pretty arrangement for your kitchen and lovely graphic too, this is good for a daily reminder :)

  4. Thank you Abby for your wise words and graphics.


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