
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Free Nautical Vintage Postcards

Those who go down to the sea in ships,
Who do business on great waters,
They see the works of the Lord,
And His wonders in the deep.

Psalm 107:23-24

Rejoice ye with singing who trust in the Lord:
Go tell His salvation with happy accord;
He saith in His mercy to you and to me,
"Your sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea."

Into the sea, Calvary’s sea,
His love is an ocean, so boundless and free;
Into the sea, Calvary’s sea,
Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.

~ Eliza Hewitt ~

I hope you enjoy these vintage nautical postcards.  The words above by Eliza Hewitt, is actually a hymn titled Into the Depths of the Sea  which you can find **here**

Here are a couple more nautical shell souvenir postcards.  Click on the image for the largest size, right click, and save to your computer.

Thanks for visiting, I hope you have a wonderful week. 

This post is linked to:  Anything Blue Friday,

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  1. I imagine that scripture must be inscribed on many monuments in many ports...I'd like to think so anyway. Love the schooner in full sail.

  2. Abby, I love that verse, and the hymn and postcards too! My Dad and my father-in-law, ex-husband and son were all sailors, and this posts had great meaning to me!

  3. Thanks for these fabulous images - I really love the ship against the sunset. The words hold a beautiful truth.
    Blessings to you and yours Abby

  4. Abby, these are beautiful. I love those ships. Thank you for sharing these.
    Blessing hugs,

  5. Oh my goodness, gorgeous vintage graphics and wonderful scripture and words. Thank you so much Abby. :o)

  6. These are so pretty...I love nautical images! And, of course, the Scripture and the hymn are perfect go-alongs. I am thinking Father's Day...hmmmm...

  7. Beautiful tall ships graphics Abby and as always, you have a way to reach people with your quotes!
    God bless,


  9. "Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the seas." Amen!

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful words and pictures.

    Hugs to you!

  10. Pretty postcard images. Love the seashell ones. Thanks for sharing.


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