
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Times In His Hand ~ Day by Day

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD;
I say, “You are my God.”

My times are in Your hand.

Psalm 31:14-15a

As your days, so shall your strength be.
Deuteronomy 33:25b

So wait before the Lord. Wait in the stillness. And in that stillness, assurance will come to you. You will know that you are heard; you will know that your Lord ponders the voice of your humble desires; you will hear quiet words spoken to you yourself, perhaps to your grateful surprise and refreshment.  ~ Amy Carmichael ~

In the fall of 1832, in a rectory in Sweden, a baby girl named Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell was born.  She was ill as a child and spent much of her time with her father (who was a pastor) in his study.   Little Lina as she became known, grew very close to her father.  When she was twenty six, she took a voyage at sea with him.  The boat lurched and he was pitched into the sea, drowning while she helplessly watched. 

Lina was heartbroken at the loss of her earthly father.  At this time, she drew closer to her heavenly father, and was inspired to write hymns.  Lina became known as the Fanny Crosby of Sweden, writing over 650 hymns.  In 1867 she married C.O. Berg, a merchant from Stockholm.  She continued to initial her hymns L.S. (Lina Sandell).

Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg

One of the hymns she was most well-known for was Day by Day. I’m sure that a lifetime of ill health, coupled with the loss of her precious father, helped her form the words of this song.  Lina learned that God provided the strength she needed, Day by Day. She didn’t need to look to the future, God was already there. 

This hymn, written about 150 years ago is timeless. Such wisdom and comfort in words we can still apply to our lives today.  

Day by Day
Karolina W. Sandell-Berg

Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best—
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.

You can view all of the lyrics here:  DAY BY DAY

To hear a this song sung you can view it on you tube here:  DAY BY DAY

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD;
I say, “You are my God.”


Psalm 31:14-15a


  1. Abby, that's one of my favorite hymns. I needed this reminder before a very busy week-end/week coming up! Day by Day I can draw on His strength and power! Thanks for this timely reminder!

  2. thank you Abby - we sometimes need to be reminded just how blessed we are in our current circumstances - and how close the Father is to us! This was very timely for me.

  3. I needed to read that tonight, due to a terminal family illness that is putting so much stress on me and my children. Thanks so much for your inspiration.

  4. Amen! What a wonderful message! Amy Carmichael's words touched my heart so much Abby. And what a lovely song! Thanks for sharing this wonderful blessing with us today.

  5. Abby what a beautiful devotion. I just love your mini history lessons along with your wonderful devotions.

  6. Beautifully said, thanks for sharing, great words for when you are going through rough times!

  7. Abby, this is exactly what I needed this morning! Each word you have shared--THE Word, the thoughts from Amy Carmichael, the story of Karolina Sandell-Berg, the inspired words of the hymn--have been a balm to my soul.

    Blessings to you for this antidote for discouragement!

  8. What an incredible story. It is truly gut-wrenching. What I face seems trivial in comparison, but something is on my plate and I so appreciate these words this morning.

  9. TY, Miss Abby for the encouragement. Just what I needed today.

    Blessings on you & yours,

    D >^..^<

  10. Just found out that my Auntie has cancer...I'm going to make a copy of the birds and give it to her! Thank you!

  11. Absolutely beautiful, dear Abby. I loved the quote from Amy Carmichael - wonderful words.
    Day by Day is one of my mom's favorite hymns so whenever I sing it or hear it, I think of her :)

    Thinking of you!

    Hugs and blessings :)

  12. This was a blessing to my heart this morning. Thank you for posting it.

  13. We sang this last Lord's day, Abby and yes so good to have the background behind it had no idea thanks so very much for the great insight every blessing, Shaz in oz.x

  14. That is a beautiful post thanks for sharing it, I love your website and have linked to it I need the inspiration. Have a great day. Hugs

  15. I so loved the history behind this beautiful hymn!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Love seeing this...our times are in His hands. We are contemplating a big change for us. Praying for His guidance and His wisdom. Have given it all to Him; He knows that we desire only His will in the matter so we wait in confident expectation!

  17. I remember! Interesting that I mentioned something on my plate, but today have no idea what I was referring to. That's a reminder that He is always faithful.

  18. BEAUTIFUL HYMN Abby!!! THANK YOU!!!! :)


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