
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lamp to My Feet ~ Light to my Path

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105

My husband and I were invited with many other Pastors and their wives, to a dinner hosted by The Gideons.  Have you ever stayed in a hotel and found a bible in the drawer?  You can thank a Gideon for placing it there.  It was fascinating hearing about their work, and the testimony of one man whose life was radically changed by a small New Testament which came from the Gideons.   He told how he carried it with him and read it whenever he had an opportunity, slowly absorbing it. 

You can read more about what God has done in this man's life **here**.  

You can find more about the Gideon ministry **here**

An OPEN Bible, hidden treasures waiting to be discovered

The Bible is God's letters to us.  We aren't going to know Him unless we open it and read it.  Not just reading it in snips and snaps when we're feeling low, or reading it so we can check it off our to do list.  Rather, reading it until we absorb the words into the very fibers of our being. 

I came across this poem about the Bible, I had written down some time ago.  It seemed fitting to share since we attended the Gideon dinner last evening. 

Reading Through the Bible
I supposed I knew my Bible,
Reading piece-meal, hit or miss;
Now a bit of "John" or "Matthew,"
Now a snatch of "Genesis."
Certain chapters of "Isaiah,"
Certain "Psalms,"—the twenty-third,
Twelfth of "Romans," first of "Proverbs."
Yes, I thought I knew the Word.
But I found a thorough reading
Was a different thing to do,
And the way was unfamiliar
When I read the Bible through.
Ye who treat the Crown of Writings
As you treat no other book—
Just a paragraph disjointed,
Just a crude, impatient look—
Try a worthier procedure,
Try a broad and steady view;
You will kneel in very rapture
When you read the Bible THROUGH.
     —Amos R. Well

Previous relative posts on this blog:
God's Letters to Us
Study the WORD

I hope you have a blessed Lord's day.


  1. It is so true Abby, what you have shared today...I'm sad to say that for too many years I did not open the Word and dig for the treasures in my Bible but boy, as I do now, those times are priceless! I especially enjoyed this poem today. Have a blessed Lord's Day!

  2. The Gideons were with us recently and what wonderful testimonies they shared. I still remember receiving my NT with Psalms and Proverbs in the 5th grade. How sad that they can't do that anymore.

    That is a poem with an important message!

  3. What a beautiful post sweet always lift me up and encourage my heart!! I just wanted to let you know you WON a 100 yard roll of seam binding on my blog!!! Please double check my post and let me know the shade you would like and also your mailing address. Here's my email: dear friend!!!
    hugs and love,

  4. Abby....first I'm so glad you're back! Woo hoo! And yes...the Word holds so much treasure and comfort and more. That poem reminds us that we need to really make time to dig and dig intentionally. Of course, God's Word never returns void so small snippets here and there will bless as well but the truth is that when we can sit and just read and devour the wisdom offered we come away so immensely blessed. I'm thankful that hotels allow the Gideon bible because many people have been blessed by that ministry. Thank you for the sweet reminder today my friend. Have a blessed week.

  5. That poem is so true Abby - I read through my Bible each year, and oft times more if I am in need.

  6. Hi Abby!
    We just had the Gideons at our church a month ago! What a wonderful ministry and what great testimonies they share! We ordered a couple of cases of the smaller Bibles to hand out with lunches to the homeless which is an outreach we do once a month. Yesterday there were 250 sack lunches and many Bibles handed out. Praise the Lord and to God be all the glory.

  7. Dearest Abby, thank you for sharing this poem. I love to read and often the Lord reminds me that if I can pick up a fiction book and read for hours than I can easily pick up His Word and spend time learning His truth and precious ways. I hope you're enjoying your Monday!


  8. Wow, what a very fascinating story. I did not know about the Gideons, but have seen and read the bibles placed in drawers at hotel rooms. It is so very interesting to discover the story of how they got there.


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