
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Poem One Day at a Time

by Annie Johnson Flint (1866-1932)

One day at a time, with its failures and fears,
With its hurts and mistakes, with its weakness and tears,
With its portion of pain and its burden of care;
One day at a time we must meet and must bear.

One day at a time to be patient and strong,
To be calm under trial and sweet under wrong;
Then its toiling shall pass and its sorrow shall cease;
It shall darken and die, and the night shall bring peace.

One day at a time - but the day is so long,
And the heart is not brave, and the soul is not strong,
O Thou pitiful Christ, be Thou near all the way;
Give courage and patience and strength for the day.

Swift cometh His answer, so clear and so sweet;
"Yea, I will be with thee, thy troubles to meet;
I will not forget thee, nor fail thee, nor grieve;
I will not forsake thee; I never will leave."

Not yesterday's load we are called on to bear,
Nor the morrow's uncertain and shadowy care;
Why should we look forward or back with dismay?
Our needs, as our mercies, are but for the day.

One day at a time, and the day is His day;
He hath numbered its hours, though they haste or delay.
His grace is sufficient; we walk not alone;

As the day, so the strength that He giveth His own.

You can read more about Annie Johnson Flint on a previous post I wrote **here**

What a dear woman of faith.  Through her pain and struggles, God gave her words of encouragement not only for herself, but for many others.

Have a blessed day.

As your days, so shall your strength be.
Deuteronomy 33:25B


  1. beautiful .. thanks for sharing, many blessings ♥

  2. This is more fitting for me than you could ever imagine. Thank you so much. I am printing it out and plan to frame it for my home office - susan

  3. This is beautiful, Abby -- just beautiful. I had never read this poem of Annie Johnson Flint's before, but I love it -- just what I needed to read this day. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Abby.

  5. What an especially uplifting poem, dearest Abby! Truly beautiful words to ponder on... I think I may print this out so that I may be reminded to look to the Lord for strength for each day...
    Blessings and love in Christ,

  6. She had a wonderful sphere of influence using the talent God gave her. And it continues to this day thanks to you and those like you who share the story and the poems and the hymns.

  7. This is a beautiful digital and lovely hymn. Thank you so much for sharing! God bless you!

  8. Thank you Abyy, for the graphic and for the full words to this poem

  9. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, Abby. I need to carry it around in my pocket :)

  10. I really needed to read this.....thank you so much for sharing Abby...blessings


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