
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Do Good and Share

God has given us two hands -
one to receive with
and the other to give with.
We are not cisterns made for hoarding.
We are channels made for sharing.
~ Billy Graham ~ 

I am not wealthy by society's standards, but I have a lot of "stuff" that I don't need. I'm not sure how one reaches the point of overabundance, but I believe it creeps in slowly.

I am one who gets emotionally attached to things. I might need it, someone might need to borrow it, it might fit me again, I might use that for a project, I might read that book, and on it goes.

I'm finding it very freeing this summer as I give away clothes, books, and craft supplies to people who can use them. I invite you to join me by sharing with others, your surplus.

Perhaps you could share vegetables from your garden, some soup with your neighbor, clothes that don't fit, dishes you no longer use. 
Maybe it's just a something small you have that a friend has admired. The feeling of giving to another is very rewarding.  

Do not forget to do good
and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices  God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16

I hope your day is a lovely one.


  1. I feel the same way and will give some of my "things" away. I do save my paper scraps and give them to a local school.

  2. Oh Abby...what a precious reminder to share the lovely gifts we've received from the Lord with others... There are so many who could truly benefit from these blessings, and I pray the Lord would move on each of our hearts to extend His love and give and give! We can never outgive God!
    Oh, I too get attached to certain things, but I am reminded that these are but earthly things and not important...we must keep our eternal perspective!
    Thank you for such good encouragement today, dear Abby!
    May you have a beautiful and very blessed Thursday further!
    With joy in Jesus!

  3. As one of your happy recipients, I am glad that you have learned this lesson. (That's a pretty cheeky thing to say. =)

    My daughter recently asked for a painting her father did. It's going, going, almost out the door.

  4. Me too! I have given away craft supplies and my husband gives his tomatoes from his garden. But furniture, I just cannot give away. They have so many stories!

  5. Wonderful message and beautiful graphic.

  6. Yes, giving is such a privilege and blessing - my garden gives me plenty to share, and I love sharing my cards.

  7. I just came over to your blog from Vee's ! I love your blog, sorry that I did not find it sooner!


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