
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Keep Persevering

Your life is not a boring stretch of highway. It's a straight line to heaven. And just look at the fields ripening along the way. Look at the tenacity and endurance. Look at the grains of righteousness. You'll have quite a crop at harvest . . . so don't give up!   ~ Joni Eareckson Tada

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

The days can be hard, keep persevering my friends. There is hope.


  1. Dearest Abby, you have shared a beautiful quote and comforting words from the Holy Word...thank you for encouraging us. Yes, may we continue to persevere... Love to you!

  2. Abby,
    Just yesterday the Lord was reminding me to "endure," so this post of yours today just continues that message. Thanks for this.

  3. We can only win if we don't give up on trusting Jesus and what He has already done for us. Joni so often has a beautiful thought expressed in a concise way. I must confess that I am sometimes guilty of thinking that some stretches of life's highway are not the most scenic. =D Thank you for the encouragement.

  4. Yes Abby, we do need to persevere as well as keep a soft heart open to the Spirit's prompting, and obedient to His promptings. Thank youy for your encouraging post.

  5. Hi Abbie...I have just discovered your lovely blog from our friend Vee. How delightful to meet you! We are former Mainer's who now reside in Texas! I so look forward to reading more. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Hi Abby, I am visiting from Vee's blog after reading about her recent meeting with you. I sure appreciate your spiritual insight and am following by email. Have a blessed holiday weekend. Pam

  7. Thank you Abby for another gentle reminder :)

  8. Beautiful and encouraging post. Thank you!


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