
Thursday, March 17, 2016

No Luck Here

My friend and I were tweens when she was given a birthday card by a youth leader.  The card had the words "good luck" crossed out.  The woman told my friend she didn't believe in luck. We thought she was a little wacky for thinking that.  

About 38 years have passed since I was a tweenager (you're doing the math aren't you?) and I can tell you the trials have been many.  Have I been unlucky? Some might think so.  If I were to compare blessings vs. trials in two columns, the blessings would far outweigh the trials.  I've been blessed beyond measure. 

Look for your blessings today, write them down.  Look for your blessings tomorrow, write them down.  Do this everyday in a special notebook.  I guarantee your spirits will be lifted.

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1897

Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. SO true...when you list each it really gives you the correct perspective and puts our eyes where they should be, on the Lord!! Thanks for sharing that encouraging word, very pretty!!

  2. So true Abby - I discipline myself to diary three blessings a day (minimum) . I think luck is a very over rated (and untrue, as it implies that life is random, not ordered )word!

  3. It totally agree, I am uncomfortable with wishing too. I am more of a pray for you Jesus girl.

  4. Totally Agree Abby, a loud AMEN!!! Coming from downunder.... I cringe everytime I hear someone say how lucky this or that is...
    We are indeed blessed!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Yes, I imagine anyone looking at my life might think it's been rugged. Sometimes, I fall into thinking so, too. The truth is that God has always been good to me and I have had blessing upon blessing and far more than I deserved. I do not believe in luck.

  6. So true. I belong to an online Psalms group. Yesterday's commentary included a note about naming five blessings before reading the longer commentary. It's a wonderful way to begin every day.


Your comments are blessings to my day.