
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Standing in the Need of Prayer

Dear Friends, I come today, asking prayer for my friend Vee and her husband. Vee blogs at A Haven for Vee and after a few years of corresponding we met at my home last summer.  

Here's Vee's account of our visit with lots of pictures:
Meeting Abby & Bill
Here's my account of our visit;
A Sweet Reunion

Vee's husband and best friend John is critically ill and she has been by his bedside. Here are some of her own words written this past Sunday, 5/22/16. 

Vee: Today I have seen the hand of God in everything. One miracle after another.. . . . .John is in cardiac care after suffering a tear in his aorta. He was airlifted to a major medical center where he was in surgery for six hours this afternoon and evening. If you are a praying person, I covet your prayers for him. We know that he is a blessed man for having been in the right places at the right times with the right people able to help. When I can, I'll provide an update.

I find it remarkable that despite being in the midst of devastating circumstances, Vee sees the "hand of God in everything, one miracle after another". 

You can read more of her post here -
Lilacs Will Bloom Again

So many, standing in the need of prayer - one of my readers is mourning the loss of her adult daughter to cancer. Others in my circle of family and friends standing in the need of prayer. Tomorrow is not promised for any of us, young or old. Trusting in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, is a promise that is real, and one I cling to.

Are you unsure of your eternal destination? Here is a post I previously shared numerous years ago, some words my husband spoke at the funeral of a childhood friend. ETERNAL DESTINATION

That one post has been viewed more than any other I've written on my blog - over 25,000 times. It baffles my mind, but God is bigger than blogger and certainly bigger than me. If He has a message to get out, it's going to get out there.

Thank you for praying. Look around you, to your circle of family and friends, who is standing in the need of prayer? Pray for them, pray with them. 


  1. Abby, thank you for sharing this! I am praying for Vee and John throughout each day and trusting our all-wise, all-powerful, loving, good God to meet their needs and bring healing to John.

    You mentioned how Vee is seeing God's hand in everything, even in the midst of devastating circumstances. Someone has said (I think it may have been Spurgeon, but I'm not sure): "If our circumstances find us in God, we shall find God in all our circumstances". That's what we are seeing here.

    I have a dear friend from our church who has been battling ovarian cancer for eight years. God has given her many more years than were expected. She has had a difficult winter and having a tough time right now with other physical ailments in addition to the cancer. She and her husband are definitely among those standing in the need of prayer.

    Thanks again for this timely reminder to pray.

  2. Abby, THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing this prayer need to our attention. I have been preoccupied with other things this week, and so Vee's blog post had got past me. I am praying now.

  3. I did not know this as I have been visiting blogs off and on this week and I somehow missed this. Thank you so much for sharing this need of prayer! I will most definitely be checking in with Vee, now that I know this and add my prayers for John! Yes, the hand of God is everywhere when we are believers, even in the midst of life-threatening matters such as this. Thank you once again for posting.

  4. I will be praying and have directed members of the Christian Cardmakers Group to your blog so they will pray too. Hugs

  5. Abby, I'm praying for John's medical team ... that the Lord will guide them and grant them much wisdom in treating John. I'm praying that both John and Vee will be very much aware of the Lord's comforting and strengthening presence. May the Lord place His healing hand on John and make even this illness work together for good for both John and Vee.

  6. Yea Abby, I will pray for Vee and her husband

  7. Yes dear Abby what a blessing it is that though across the seas we can bear one another up in prayer, I pray for mercy and grace in abundance with healing in vee's hubby, if it be the Lords will at such a time, and above all that the Lord be glorified in and through this.
    And agreeing with you in your burdens too as you lift them before the Lord for others.
    Thanks for the blessed reminder.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. Hello Abby, I have been away from the blogging community these past weeks, but so thankful that I took a few minutes to look at my feeder and found this post.
    I will be praying for Vee and her dear husband most assuredly.
    Thank you for passing this on so others may look to Jesus on behalf of others and their needs.
    Vee is so right in that we can find God in everything. He is there in our midst and cares about every detail of our lives.

    The Lord bless you~

  9. Praying for John's physical need and also that the Lord will minister His strength and comfort to Vee during this time. Thanks for sharing, Abby!

  10. Oh such sweetness here. Thank you to all who are praying. We have seen some progress in the past few days and now we are just waiting for John to wake. Good thing that I believe sleep is healing in and of itself.

  11. Praise the Lord! So thankful to hear that you have seen some progress. God is working, we may make no mistake about that. Yes -- sleep is definitely healing, and certainly that may very well be God's purpose in allowing John to sleep. Thank you so much for checking in to update us here.


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