
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Think on These Things

Have you ever had troubling thoughts that consume your mind and you just can't shake them? I certainly have.  Our thoughts can affect the way we feel. Speculating about things that haven’t happened, what someone might be thinking about us, or dwelling on a situation where someone has wronged us.

These all drag us down and cause negative feelings. I am someone who can easily be overcome with anxiety, worrying about what “might” happen. When I feel my mind pulling me in that direction, I try and remember this scripture and focus my thoughts on what is:
true and real, 
right and pure, 
lovely and admirable, 
excellent and praiseworthy.

This is a scripture we need, to clear our minds and focus on the wonderful blessings that God has given us. Training your minds to go in this direction will relieve us of unnecessary stress and give us more peace in everything we do. Why not memorize this verse and "hide it in your heart". It will always be there to draw on when you need the reminder.

Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are true, 
whatsoever things are honest, 
whatsoever things are just, 
whatsoever things are pure, 
whatsoever things are lovely, 
whatsoever things are of good report; 
if there be any virtue, 
and if there be any praise, 
think on these things. 
Philippians 4:8

Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. Oh yes, Abby, many times! That is one verse I repeat over and over. I learned it early in life but still use it often. God is in control in all things and letting go of worry causes our faith to grow smaller.

  2. Dear Abby... I have been pondering this Scripture often of late ~ a beautiful reminder to keep our thoughts centred on the Holy One! How easy it is to give into worry and concern... Thank you for this sweet, blessed encouragement today!
    You have been in my thoughts much lately...sending love and smiles your way!

  3. Beautiful post do very true we worry so needlessly and 99% of it never even happens.
    Oh for the upward look and seeing thing with Gods eyes...
    Shaz in Oz.x

  4. The Lord has been bringing this very verse to my mind of late for all the reasons you described. Such a balm of healing and comfort. Thanks for this affirming blog post!

    I like what Sylvia said, "...worry causes our faith to grown smaller." We all need to be aware of that and cling to Jesus.

  5. Yes to all of that. I well remember the night my head was so full of such anxious thoughts that I grabbed my gold pen and wrote this verse on my living room walls. Yes, I did. Yes, it's still there these twenty years later. I believe that my tendency to fear has been terribly defeating and certainly not edifying. It shows my lack of trust, but I keep on keeping on because He is Perfect Love Who casts out all fear. What a beautiful graphic, Abby. I am always in awe of your creativity.

  6. This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. I memorized it years ago and it's stuck with me, probably because I need to remind myself of its truths so frequently. Thanks you.

  7. Abby this is so true, although the Lord has in His wisdom also used this verse to rebuke me - thank you for reminding me of this treasure.

  8. Hello dear Abby~ You have shared so beautifully the truth of the matter that many times we allow into our minds. As women, we tend to think on things that are contrary to these beautiful scriptures. It all begins in our minds and if we would only claim these promises the moment our thoughts take hold we would be happier for it.
    I love this verse and ponder on it so very often. They are refreshing and up lifting words of encouragement as we strive to walk worthy of our Precious Savior.

    The Lord bless you~


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