
Saturday, October 15, 2016

He Changes the Seasons

New England is defined by its colorful fall foliage.  I live in Maine and the magnificence of the fall season is shown when the leaves of the trees turn shades of reds, yellows, gold, and even purple, before they fall to the ground. My grandson suggests it should be called "falliage" and I tend to agree with him.

Obviously, it’s God’s creation that changes the colors of the leaves and bares the trees before the winter season, but not surprisingly, there is a scientific explanation.  I like to visualize it as the hand of God creating another masterpiece for us all to enjoy. 

I vaguely remember from high school science class that it had something to do with the chlorophyll in the leaves.  I decided to look into the subject and here’s what I found out:

Chlorophyll is a green pigment in the leaves that absorbs red and blue light from the sun. The shortening days and cooler nights that fall brings, interfere with the process and cause the chlorophyll to break down.  When this happens, the green colors of the leaves fade, causing some to turn yellow, others red, purple or maroon.

And He changes the times and the seasons;He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
Daniel 2:21 NKJV

As this verse tells us, God is in control of the times and seasons.  There’s a reason for everything He does, even if it’s just for our pleasure. We’re also told that he is sovereign, which means he is in total control.

No matter what may happen in this world, He is in ultimate control. As you witness every day, the creation functions as God intended, with the exception of people and that is because we have a free will. God wants us to use our free will to accept and follow his plan for our lives.  We serve an awesome and wonderful God worthy of our wholehearted devotion and trust.

If you want to know more about that you can visit either of these links.
Do You Know Jesus? - Proverbs 31 Ministries
Eternal Destination - #1 post on this blog for most viewed

Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. Remember the leaf peeping tour that I had planned with my friend and sisters-in-law? We were going to go to North Conway, NH. In the end, I had to back out because of commitments elsewhere and then they changed their your corner! Sugar! Well I am sure that they had a wonderful, beautiful drive. That photo of the harbor is stunning. Did Bill take that one? I don't know why God plans what He does, but I know that I can trust Him to be working everything out for the highest and best. Thanks for all you do always pointing to The Lord's love and goodness.

  2. Thanks for sharing these beautiful fall images. I agree with your grandson. Falliage is a nice name. hugs, Teresa

  3. Oh Abby thank you for sharing these amazing photos - we do not get colours like that here 'down under'. We are currently being tested in the 'God is in control' area, so it was an assurance to read your words.


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