
Sunday, December 11, 2016

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 11

Day 11

Unwrapping the gift of:


Come to me, all you who are weary 
and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
 and you will find rest for your souls. 
Matthew 11:28-29

The definition of REST is: to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing. To relieve weariness by cessation of exertion or labor, and to be at ease; have tranquility or peace. 

Sounds good, doesn’t it? We all need rest, and when we’re very tired, we look forward to it. Even my little grandson enjoys his rest. When he was a baby and lacked the words to express himself, at naptime or bedtime, he would lay in his crib and wave bye bye.

This scripture talks about rest for our souls; relief from the trials, stress, tribulations, burdens, and sin that can weigh us down. Remember Christian, in the book Pilgrim’s Progress? He was weighed down by a heavy load and longed for relief as he journeyed to the Celestial City. He found his rest when he reached the foot of the cross. The straps that bound the load to him broke and he was free from the oppressive weight.

We don’t have to bear the weight of our burdensome load. Jesus promises us in this scripture passage to come to Him and he will give us rest. Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you burdened? Leave it at the foot of the cross and find rest for your soul.

My husband’s grandmother wrote the poem below.  I never had an opportunity to meet her, but know she would have been pleased to have me share it with you.

Rest in the Lord, O tired heart
And wait patiently for him
He’ll lift your cares and light your path
When everything looks dim.

He knows your need for daily strength
The problems that you face
He’ll give you courage and supply
His boundless love and grace

Rest in the Lord, O tired heart
There is no better way
To find refreshment, joy and peace
O rest in him today.
by Violet Elwell

Thank you dear ones. I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you are enjoying this series. A different God given gift featured each day until Christmas. 

You can find the series to date on the blog here:


  1. What a dear poem! Does she have lots of them? Have they been made into a Book of Poetry for the family?

    Yes, I'm starting to feel as if I need A Silent Night for sure. (The old Amy Grant song.)

  2. Beautiful verses Abby - and a lovely graphic too!

  3. Thank you Abby - I really need to learn to Rest in Him


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