
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 13

Day 13 ~ Unwrapping the gift of:


Your word is a lamp for my feet, 
a light on my path. 
Psalm 119:105

I’ve heard it said, the key to any personal relationship is communication. If my husband went away for a year and regularly sent me letters, I’d be excited to open them and see what he had to say.  I’d want to respond as soon as I could.  
However, if I received the letters and tied them up in a pretty bow without opening, I'd be missing out on everything he wanted to share with me.

We speak to God through prayer; God answers us through His word. The Bible is God’s letters to us. For those who put their trust in God, reading His Word is essential to knowing God’s will for our lives. The Holy Spirit speaks to us as we read, revealing new truths to us every time.  

The more we read, the more we retain. Repetitiveness is key, and whether or not we realize it, information is being absorbed. Stored away in our brain, like a library, that surprisingly is recalled when needed.

I’ll close today with the words of Evangelist D.L. Moody and his perspective on reading the Bible.  You can hear the enthusiasm for God’s word in Moody’s writing:

The Bible is one book  that you can never finish with. It is like a bottomless well; you can always find fresh truth gushing forth from its pages.  The flowers of God's garden bloom not only double, but seven-fold; they are continually pouring forth fresh fragrance.  I thank God there is a height in the Book that I have never been able to reach, a depth that I have never been able to fathom.
Evangelist D.L. Moody,   (1837-1899)

Have a blessed day my friends. Thank you for following this series 25 Days of God Given Gifts. You can find all the posts to date on this advent series here:
25 Days of God Given Gifts


  1. So true, the day just doesn't start right without it :)

  2. Beautifully did,Abby.
    D.L.Moody is such an inspiration and his words here are wonderful.

    Beautiful series you have put together for us to glean from, thank you.

    Have a glorious God filled day~~

  3. Amen! Heard anything about the MEV? (Modern English Version) I am thinking that I need a new Bible as the fine print in my current one make it challenging to read and one does need to read. Lately, I've been listening to the audio KJV on Bible Gateway.

  4. A wonderful post today Abby, thank you so much. I am currently using a NLT Bible, set out as Through The Bible in a year, and am just finishing my 8th year using it - next year my daughter and I are swapping Bibles as hers is more of a devotional type. It will be interesting to use a different translation and perspective.


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