
Friday, December 16, 2016

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 16

Day 16 ~ Unwrapping the Gift of:


Websters 1828 Dictionary defines REFUGE:
That which shelters or protects from danger, distress or calamity; a strong hold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety by its sacredness; any place inaccessible to an enemy.

Missionary Amy Carmichael tells of a beautiful illustration of God's love and care through a little bird. Taken from the pages of Secure in the Everlasting Arms as told by author Elisabeth Elliot. 

The sun bird, one of the tiniest of birds, a native of India, builds a pendant nest, hanging by four frail threads, generally from a spray of valaris. It is a delicate work of art, with its roof and tiny porch, which a splash of water or a child’s touch might destroy. She tells how she saw a little sun bird building such a nest just before the monsoon season, and felt that for once bird wisdom had failed – for how could such a delicate structure, in such an exposed situation, weather the winds and torrential rains?  

The monsoon broke and from her window she watched the nest swaying with the branches in the wind. Then she perceived that the nest had been so placed that the leaves immediately above it formed little gutters which carried the water away from the nest. There sat the sun bird, with it’s tiny head resting on her little porch, and whenever a drop of water fell on her long, curved beak, she sucked it in as if it were nectar. The storms raged furiously, but the sun bird sat, quiet and unafraid, hatching her tiny eggs.

I find this story about the sun bird fascinating. You've probably figured out I have a little bird thing going on here at Little Birdie Blessings. God's provisions for the birds never ceases to amaze me. If He cares so much for them, how much more will He provide for us?

Some wise words below by Elisabeth Elliot. 

Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge,
your hiding place, your stronghold, your shepherd, 
your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, 
your savior, your guide? 
If He is, you don’t need to search
any further for security.
~ Elisabeth Elliot ~

Thank you dear ones for following this advent series. It is challenging to commit to 25 blog posts in 25 days, but the Lord has sustained me this far to do the work. I'd appreciate your prayers as you think of it. The response to this series has surpassed anything I ever expected. Thank you for your support, comments, emails, facebook likes and shares and prayers. 

There’s a beautiful hymn titled Under His Wings, written by William Cushing in 1896.  Here’s one of the verses and the chorus.   

Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow! 
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort, and there I am blessed.
Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1


  1. What a beautiful reminder of God's tremendous care for us! You're so right-if he cares for even the smallest of birds -how much more He loves and provides for us! Thank you for your post!! Have a blessed day!

  2. You have shared wonderful, faith-building words, Abby. With one ear on the roaring furnace and another on the whirr of the electric heaters, I have been tempted to fret. That's why the graphic of the little bird in the snow is an excellent reminder to simply trust Him. The story about the nest reminds me of the story about the mule who was tossed into a pit and shovelful after shovelful of dirt was tossed in on him in attempt to bury him alive. He simply shook it off and stepped aside, over and over until he was able to escape that pit. Not quite as pretty a story, but with a similar meaning. So glad to read that your beautiful posts are being read and enjoyed all over. Amen!

  3. What a beautiful story! Of course I had to look up the sun bird, as I had never heard of them. They are beautiful! Thank you for the reminder of how God looks after us and how we should not be afraid 😊

  4. I love this story about the sun bird, Abby. It really amazes me. Birds are always a sign to me of God's faithful love and care. I really miss them in the winter, so this story and your bird images with verses are so refreshing. Have a blessed Christmas!

  5. Thank you Abby - this is a wonderful post and so encouraging.


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