
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 20 HEAVEN

Day 20 ~ Unwrapping the gift of:


"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,
 and what no human mind has conceived”
- the things God has prepared
for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9b

I have been doing this Advent series with my Sunday School children. They take turns hanging them on the tree and we read the scripture. When we put "Heaven" on the tree I told them... can you just imagine what it's going to be like? If God made the earth and all it's beauty in 6 days, Heaven is going to be beyond anything we can imagine.  Just like today's verse tells us.

Doesn't it seem as if these birds are flying straight from heaven to tell us good news. Straight from God ~ that heaven is real and a place so wonderful it defies description. Where streets are made of gold, music more beautiful then anything we've ever heard, all sadness wiped away, no more tears or pain, a perfect body, where everything in our minds will be made clear, we will understand. A place of perfect peace. A place where there is no night and no need of the sun, as God is the light. I take comfort in knowing that some of my family members are already there, and I will join them someday.

I tell my grandchildren when I get to heaven, I will run like the wind in my perfect body with perfect knees. 

Author C.S. Lewis had this to say about heaven:
Now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story no one on earth has ever read, which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.  

Here are just some of the facts about heaven found in Revelation chapter 21. I'd encourage you to read it for yourself.
  • The foundation of Heaven is 12 different layers of precious stones
  • The names of the 12 disciples are written on each layer of the foundation
  • There are 12 gates, each consists of one huge pearl
  • Each of those 12 gates have the name of one of the tribes of Israel
  • The streets are of pure gold

When I look at my own wedding band which consists of gold, diamonds, and a sapphire, I can't help but reflect how it pales in comparison to the jewels in heaven. I would imagine the layers of precious stones are in their purest form. The gold mentioned in heaven is so pure it's translucent. We literally have no idea how magnificent it will be.

If you'd like to read a previous post I wrote about heaven, you can find it here: Eternal Destination

You can find this whole series to date, here:
25 Days of God Given Gifts

Thank you for all your comments, emails, likes and shares. I'm so happy you've been encouraged by this series. 


  1. We know so very little about Heaven and yet something stirs within us at the mere thought. This graphic simply sings. It may be in my top five. ; >

  2. What a glorious post as they have all been,Abby. What a tremendous way to teach your Sunday School class.
    Our little minds can not comprehend what is yet to come to those who know and believe on Jesus Christ. Even after reading what Scripture tells us, it's beyond our imagination.
    Oh what a day it will be when we see Christ and our eternal home in glory.

    Your wedding ring is quite unique and beautiful.

    Thank you for these awesome posts as we look to Christmas day and our Saviors birth.

    Christmas Blessings to you and your dear family~~

  3. Thank you Abby - these are beautiful graphics - I love the thought of heaven.


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