
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Inspiring Words for a New Year

Hello dear friends - thanks for sticking with me on the Advent journey - 25 Days of God Given Gifts. If you missed it, you can find the devotions and graphics here: Link to Little Birdie Blessings Advent Series.

The response was overwhelming and I'm humbled by your comments, emails, facebook comments, likes and shares. I asked the Lord to sustain me through Christmas so I could keep up with the task I felt He laid on my heart. Not to mention . . as a Pastor's wife, Christmas is a big deal and I wanted to be present in our Church. On December 26th, actually about 1:00 a.m. I became ill with a cold, terrible sore throat and all that goes with that. So .. I would say the Lord answered my prayers and sustained me. I don't know why I'm surprised He took me so literally. I am on the mend, thankfully. 

I asked my facebook friends if they had a word/verse for the year to focus on. I told them Pray and Simplify were words I had used in the past. Here are some of the words they responded with:

Art making
Just Be
Love one another
Peace & Trust
Quiet time
Smell the roses
Stand Firm

Isn't that GREAT?  I love seeing all these words together. They represent people who are striving to:
better themselves, to keep their head above water, to remember they are loved, to be kinder, more patient, keep persevering, to be grateful. They represent YOU and they represent ME!

With 2017 just around the corner, let's keep persevering, keep encouraging one another, keep looking out for our neighbors, friends, family. When I started this blog in 2010, my purpose was to encourage you by focusing on the blessings God has given you. It has surpassed my wildest expectations. I am thankful, grateful and humbled to be used by God in this way. So, THANK YOU for your support. I have been encouraged through all of you. 

I told my facebook friends I'll be selecting some of their "words" to make graphics. The first one I've made is at the top of this post - REJOICE (Psalm 118:24). Do you have a "word" and/or word and verse for 2017? I'd love to hear it, please comment below, or if you're receiving this via email, you can just reply to the email you received.

You can find me in the following places:





  1. Oh how exciting to find a post and such a lovely one, too. Beautiful graphic! All those words do pack a punch. I chose a word one year. It was the last word I have chosen as I think I was putting too much trust in the little word I had selected and not in Jesus who is The Word. As I yield to Him, He is going to help me do what needs doing. The first thing perhaps, beyond the strength to get this next storm cleaned up, is getting the Christmas pounds off. Oh! Perhaps they are related. =D So glad that you are feeling better. That is interesting how literally The Lord took your words. That's another thing...we really need to be mindful of how we pray. Words are powerful. Have a wonderful day and may the storm pass you safely by.

  2. Glad to hear you are on the mend! I love all the words everyone came up with, they are all good ones! Faith is my word too, as we have to keep the faith (and believe in faith) to keep going! Hugs, Brenda

  3. A beautiful post, Abby.
    Sorry to hear that you are under the weather, but God was certainly gracious in the timing.
    Your advent posts were amazing, each and every one was filled with much to ponder on.
    I loved reading the words your followers shared, so many good words to live by.
    I have never done a word before but have one for this year. It's a word I believe God has placed upon my heart, uplifting. I have a post coming up on it in the New Year.

    Thank you sharing your beauty with us. I have been blessed following along with you.

    Joy! Debbie

  4. Thank you Abby for being faithful in your calling to share the graphics. I was really blessed. My word for the year is 'steadfast'. I need to be steadfast in my care of my husband, steadfast in my faith and steadfast in reflecting God to those around me.
    Blessings, and may 2017 be one of great joy in the Lord for you

  5. I have prayerfully chosen a word several times in the past and have watched in awe as God has worked in my life in those areas. I plan to blog about this later today, but my word for 2017 is "stewardship" -- taking care of all that God has entrusted me with -- my home, my spiritual gifts, my body, my time, my talents, my marriage, and much, much more.

    Thanks for the beautiful graphics, the thought-provoking posts, and all that you do, Abby. I know you have a busy, full life apart from your online presence. Thank you for making time for this ministry as well.


Your comments are blessings to my day.