
Friday, October 27, 2017

An Attitude of Gratitude

free for personal use

The recent hurricanes and fires here in the U.S., have left thousands of people with literally no possessions, many lost their lives or loved ones. It reminds me to be appreciative, thankful, and to share what I have.

The above graphic may be used for personal use. If used on your blogs or webpages, a link back is always appreciated. Thank you.


  1. Beautiful graphic and so true. Thank you, Abby.

  2. So often, whenever I decide to pop by your blog, you are expressing just the thing the Lord has been impressing upon my heart. Just yesterday, as I drove to an appointment, I was thanking him for many of the benefits of living in Canada - clean water, semi-clean air, housing, medical care, food, etc. I often take these things for granted, pining for things I don't have instead of being thankful for the abundance I do have. Your lovely image is a beautiful reminder to remain in that attitude of gratitude. God bless you. - Teresa

  3. Thank you for this!
    As you know, I am graphics challenged!

  4. Snagging! Thank you. 🍂💛🍂

  5. Thank you Teresa. I agree with you, we so often take these things for granted. I'm glad this encouraged you. ~ Abby

  6. Thank you Abby - this is beautiful

  7. Great reminder. It's hard to remain grateful some days, but this is the same thing I try to remind my own children. It really hits me when we're reading a book for school that is set in a time long HARD they had it back then, and just what we take for granted these days. Wishing you a happy week ahead!

  8. Yes, we do need to be grateful for all the Lord has so graciously given us. It is all from Him.


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