
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 13 ~ BIBLE

Your word is a lamp for my feet, 
a light on my path. 

Psalm 119:105

Living on the coast of Maine, I’m surrounded by lighthouses. They draw a lot of tourists to the state and are a popular subject for photographers. The lighthouse has a significant purpose, which is to steer mariners in the thick fog or darkness of night, away from cliffs, ledges, shorelines and other dangerous areas. The lighthouse will sound a signal and shine a beacon of light on and off to lead ships to safety.

God’s word the Bible is our lighthouse – a lamp for our feet….a light for our path, a beacon of light to help us find our way.

There’s a song that says it well, titled The Lighthouse.

There's a Lighthouse on the hillside,
That over looks life's sea
When I'm tossed it sends out a light
That I might see
And the light that shines in darkness now
Will safely lead us o'er
If it wasn't for the Lighthouse
My ship would be no more.

And I thank God for the Lighthouse
I owe my life to Him
For Jesus is the Lighthouse
And from the rocks of sin
He has shown a light around me
That I could clearly see
If it wasn’t for the Lighthouse
Where would this ship be?

Everybody that lives about us
Says tear that Lighthouse down
The big ships don't sail this way anymore
There's no use of it standing round
Then my mind goes back to that stormy night
When just in time I saw the light
Yes, the light from that old Lighthouse
That stands up there on the hill. 

~ Ronnie Hinson, 1970 ~

Dear ones - We speak to God through prayer, God speaks to us through His word. We have to read it to know what He has for us. I guarantee my life would be shipwrecked by now if it weren't for the Word of God to navigate me through the storms, and encourage me to keep persevering around the ledges.
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If you'd like to see all the posts in this series so far, you can follow this link:
25 Days of God Given Gifts

This link will take you to a free pdf that goes along with this series.
25 Days God Given Gifts & Scripture 

These images I post are free for personal use, ministry use, or for gifting. Not to be sold. If you share the images on your blog, a link back would be appreciated. Please do not copy my entire posts to your blog. Thank you. 

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  1. Great lighthouse picture.
    This post reminds me of stern words from Elisabeth Elliot:
    If we say we want to hear from God, but don't put ourselves in a position to hear his voice from the one place where he promises to speak to us, we're only fooling ourselves.
    (Not an exact quote, but you get the idea)

  2. Oh My! I haven't heard that song in years. Brought back sweet memories of childhood. (well - teen years I should say)

  3. He is Himself The much to ponder... Thank you for these prompts ~ gifts that make me think more than I might otherwise.


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