
Sunday, December 17, 2017

25 Days God Given Gifts ~ Day 17 ~ PROVIDER

Look at the birds of the air;
they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they? 
Matthew 6:26

The verse that accompanies today's gift is my life verse. One I've clung to many times, a verse that gives me hope. Have you ever felt God's provision in your life? A time when something happened and you knew without a doubt it was from Him? Here's an account of such a time I experienced many years ago. 

It was my birthday, and the day God provided for me in a mighty way. My daughter was 4 years old at the time, and I was struggling as a single parent. I remember specifically wanting to make shredded wheat bread. My senses took over and I could almost taste and smell it. Reaching for my go-to cookbook, I found the recipe. I was ready!  There was just one problem. I didn't have all the ingredients. Going to the store was not an option.  I didn't have funds to make the purchases and I didn't think the clerk would give me the items based on the fact it was my birthday.

In despair, I sat down at the table and started crying.  Not because I didn't have the ingredients for shredded wheat bread. I was crying because I felt very alone and I was tired of life being incredibly hard. 

A knock at my door snapped me out of my pity party.  It was my neighbor, who knew it was my birthday and had a gift for me.  She asked if I liked shredded wheat bread as she handed me a warm loaf she had just baked for my birthday. True story! 

I believe God allowed the events of that morning to unfold this way, so I’d know without a shadow of a doubt who the source of the provision was from. God was speaking to me, and used my neighbor to accomplish His task. I realized at that moment I was not alone, not abandoned, and not in despair. He was right there with me.  My daughter and I were going to be okay.

Do not be anxious, said our Lord.
Have peace from day to day - 
The lilies neither toil nor spin,
Yet none are clothed as they.
The meadowlark with sweetest song
Fears not for bread or nest
Because he trusts our Father's love
And God knows what is best.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~


If you'd like to see all the posts in this series so far, you can follow this link:
25 Days of God Given Gifts

This link will take you to a free pdf that goes along with this series.
25 Days God Given Gifts & Scripture 

These images I post are free for personal use, ministry use, or for gifting. Not to be sold. If you share the images on your blog, a link back would be appreciated. Please do not copy my entire posts to your blog. Thank you. 

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Thank you!


  1. Oh Abby, what an encouraging post, just to know that our God knows all about us and cares and provides for us. Thanks for sharing your story with us today.
    It touched my heart.

  2. What struck me about this post was the fact that God put that desire in your heart (so specifically!), knowing that he had already put it in someone's mind to fulfill it on His behalf.
    Thanks for letting the hard times in your life become the basis for present day blessing to others through your ministry here.

  3. Shredded wheat bread you say... Must be awfully good. I have a new family needing supper tonight... I wonder.

    Yes, I have had God provide in miraculous ways through my life. It is good to remember those times and not falter in a dark season. He will always bring us through.


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