
Friday, May 3, 2019

Free Psalm Scripture Graphic

"God is bigger than your problems. 

Whatever worries press upon you today, 

put them in God's hands and leave them there." 

~ Billy Graham ~

I sought the Lord, and He heard me,

And delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

Hello friends. I know I haven't been posting regularly to the blog. I am going to be posting now every Friday and perhaps one other day during the week. I'll have a free graphic for you. This is a new scripture graphic I made with Psalm 34:4. As one who has always had anxiety, this is a go to verse for me. Feel free to save to your computer and print out, or even text the image to a friend. You can find more free images on my blog or on my freebies page here: Free Graphics from Birdie Blessings. The terms of use are listed on that page. Have a blessed day.


  1. Yea!!! It will be a blessing to have you in my mailbox on a regular basis. I look forward to more of your beautiful and meaningful Scripture graphics.

  2. Thank you so much! Your graphics are beautiful and I love that they illustrate scripture. So inspiring!

  3. Thank you it's beautiful! God bless you.

  4. Yay for posting on Fridays! 😊 (Yes, I am quite the hypocrite.) This is a special graphic both in design and message.

  5. Love this, Abby. I will look forward to more frequent posts from you!


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