
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Scripture Thursday ~ A Word Fitly Spoken

Free Vintage Graphic for Today's Challenge
A word fitly spoken is like 
apples of gold in settings of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Years ago, my mother gave me a book titled  Silver Boxes:  The Gift of Encouragement, by Florence Littauer.  

I highly recommend it to you, especially if you have or are around children.  She gives many examples of the impact our words have, especially on little ones.  I have seen firsthand how continual "harmless" teasing of a little one had consequences into adulthood. 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me. I remember this from grade school. It’s a cute little ditty, however I think most of you will agree, this is not actually true. I’ve been deeply hurt by unkind words directed at me. I’ve also been lifted up and greatly encouraged by the kind words of others.

Very Sweet Free Vintage Graphic

Today's scripture tells us that our words to others should be of value. They should have meaning and be of worth, like a gift compared to precious metals.
My sample project this week is a silver box, wrapped up like a gift. This serves to remind me that my words should be that of a gift to others. They should build people up and edify them, not tear them down and be hurtful.
My Silver Box

I took a simple cardboard jewelry box and covered the lid with scrapbook paper and embellished.  I used Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Squares, accented with seam binding, ribbon, and bling in the form of tiny rhinestone stickers.  I love these little gems, they seriously give off fire like the finest diamonds.  This picture does not do the bling justice.

Why don't you try making a silver box, it doesn't need to be fancy.  It will remind you that God wants your words to be a gift.  You can use this scripture on your box, or another scripture that would remind you of this.  It can be any size and embellished as you like.  I have given you a beautiful vintage graphic with this scripture at the top of this post to use if you'd like.   

Have a wonderful day dear friends.  


  1. Abby - Such a lovely post this morning! I feel so frustrated because I just want to clear my desk of all the "to do" responsibilities and pick up my crafting muse again! I would love to participate - and if I can get my ducks in a row and caught up i shall eventually do so. I think I know just what to do with my Michaels'coupons this week! Thank your or your words this morning - so fitly spoken - and the inspiration to be goodness and beauty in my world today!!
    You're such a blessing!
    Miss Kathy

  2. What a beautifully written reminder that our words are important! AND a beautiful Scripture card to match -- thank you!

  3. Love the posts today and the beautiful box and scripture. The little girls remind me of my granddaughters- one dark hair and one blonde. Have a good day!

  4. What a wonderful post today! Encouraging others by our words is such a gift...the book Silver Boxes is a wonderful book. I also highly recommend it! I used to have several copies, but have given them all away. I will have to get another soon!

  5. Hello, Abby, This post speaks to me. How I pray that people would realize the power of their words. They can encourage or inspire -- or sadly, destroy.
    And I think there is no such thing as "names can never hurt me." One of the saddest things to witness is to see a child ridiculed and called names. Heartbreaking!

  6. I love your blog, and your newest post. It's true, our words are so powerful. Fortunately the schools can address verbal abuse now, with the Bullying Act. We can easily hurt someone, or we can uplift, teach, empower, encourage, and show kindness by the way we speak. I love your project idea, the little silver box!
    I'm singing to myself, the little Sunday School chorus "Watch your mouth, watch your mouth what it says" Thank you!
    Love, Linda

  7. Thank you so much for the beautiful Scripture card!

  8. So beautiful, Abby and thanks for the free vintage graphic. Love this challenge and the idea. . .word pictures are always so helpful in reminding me of the point. . .our words are to encourage and build up others. . and praise the Lord! Blessings!


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