
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Free Images ~ Friends ~ and a Verse to Remember

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord, and not unto men.
Colossians 3:23

Okay... is this Victorian trade card not the most adorable thing you've seen in a long time.  When I saw it, the verse at the top of this post came to mind immediately.   This little girl may not be very happy about her chores, but we're reminded in Colossians 3:23 that WHATEVER we do, do it  HEARTILY for the Lord.

Webster's 1828 dictionary defines the word HEARTILY as:

from the heart
with all the heart
with sincerity
with zeal

Are you getting the picture?  I am, and certainly this post is as much for me as any of my readers.  To help me visually remember this verse, I've added it to this sweet Victorian card as a reminder that whatever I do, is for the Lord.  

My friend Pat who faithfully attends a Bible study I have in my home, is an avid reader of my blog and always has an encouraging word.  She knows that vintage images are near and dear to me and surprised me not long ago with a stack of THE sweetest Victorian cards.   When she gave them to me, she said I can't wait to see what you do with them.  The sweet graphic above comes from Pat's gift to me.   
My friend Pat ~  a woman after God's own Heart

Pat knows what it's like to heartily work for the Lord.  She graciously, tenderly, compassionately, and unselfishly cares every day and night for her husband who suffers from dementia.   She is a very giving person and opens her home once a week to a sewing group.  She knits socks (I have 2 pairs) and gives them away, makes jam, cans veggies from her garden, tends flowers, is a prayer warrior and loves the Lord with all her heart.   I am thankful that she is part of my life, one of God's blessings to me.  
Have a wonderful weekend my friends.  I'm delighted that you've stopped by to visit.   


  1. What a sweet, sweet tribute to your dear friend and sister in Christ! I so enjoyed reading your post and meeting Pat!! Thanks so much, Abby!! Hugs!

  2. Abby,I have just discovered your lovely blog, and am a new follower! That IS the cutest card I've seen in a long while, too! (And thank Pat for all she does, as well!)


  3. Abby...your love for vintage cards is sooo cool. And what a blessing Pat is in her example in life and to contribute to your love of vintage cards. Thank you for sharing her and for mentioning the link up on Monday. I'm adding a little giveaway too. :o) Have sweet day in the Lord.

  4. Oh, Abby! That is just a perfect tribute to sweet Patsy, our dear friend, whom we both share! LOVE IT!! And she is so deserving and needs all our love and support in her care for her spouse. Plus, she's a lot of fun and has a most generous heart! Hugs, Sheila

  5. It is very obvious this post came straight from your heart Abby and it is beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs always,

  6. Aww, this post has touched me deeply. I don't quite know how to explain it in words at the moment, lol! Basically in a nutshell, it makes me think of how when "whatever you do is for the Lord" the act of doing becomes SO much more.

    Thanks for sharing the BEAUTIFUL vintage image and also featuring your friend Pat. She's definitely a beautiful woman! ::hugs::

  7. Just a beautiful tribute to a amazing woman.She sounds like a true blessing from the Lord Himself. As you may guess, my head is creating a card using that cute image! Blessings, B

  8. Congrats on the 200 (now 203) followers sweet friend! Love the image and the verse you added to it! Thanks!

  9. Oh Abby, thank you!!!! on many levels.

  10. Thank you for listening to His voice again, Abby. I needed them today. We do what we do because of Him and for Him. All other things are simply an added blessing, but they must not take priority or we soon become burdened and wearied.
    What a blessing it would be to join your Bible study in person. Some day we'll all meet in the greatest fellowship of all. :)
    I look forward to visiting Naomi, sounds like a lovely get-together.
    By the way, I actually closed down the 2 FOR 1 party a little early, but I will still be announcing the giveaway on Wed.
    Enjoy a lovely Monday.

  11. What a dear sweet image! What a dear sweet friend! ;-)

  12. I think the little one looks pleasant in this sweet card. I have seen grumpier faces :) A great verse too! And, a lovely and thoughtful gift from Pat!

    Thank you so much for sharing at my link post. This is perfect!

  13. Pat sounds like such a sweet soul. You are truely blessed.
    I like that verse from Colossians. It is one of many I try to follow every day. Thanks for sharing your pretty vintage cards.

  14. Hi Abby,
    What a sweet card and the perfect illustration for the verse you're sharing too! I'm going to print this one and keep it near at work...the place I most need this reminder!

    Pat sounds like a lovely person...what a blessing it must be to have her in your life.

  15. Thanks for a great post and card! The definition of heartily is so good! What a wonderful reminder to check my attitude!!

  16. What a sweet vintage card. I also love that verse of Scripture and was reminding my husband of it recently after I had done a jillion things that I really didn't want to do, and with little thanks. It helps to do all as unto the Lord, amen!

  17. Everybody should have a Pat! Everyone should be a friend like Pat - what a wonderful world this would be!

  18. I have so enjoyed reading about Pat this morning - such a wonderful lady. Said a special prayer for her today.


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