
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Freebies for You

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8

Free Scripture Vintage Postcard

Isn't this postcard a beauty?  I did no alterations other than adding a border.  Nothing makes me happier than to see an old postcard with God's word on it.  Just look at the pink petals of the roses, it's as if you could touch them.  Just click on the image for a larger size, right click and save to your computer.  

One more day to add your scripture project to Scripture Thursday.  A new linky party is posted each Thursday.  A place to link any project you've made in any medium that has scripture from the Bible.  A prize is now offered each week to one of the participants.     Scripture Thursday 

The image below is an old postage stamp quilt that I scanned.  The entire quilt was made by hand with the tiniest little stitches.  The images in this post are free to you from my collection.  I only ask that you don't sell the image itself or sell it in a digital collage sheet.  Click here for more info about my images  

Free Postage Stamp Quilt Graphic
Here's the same graphic below in sepia-tone.

Free Postage Stamp Quilt Graphic

I am nearing 200 "followers" and over 125 that follow via email.  I am grateful to all of you, your kind comments, encouragement and your delightful blogs that inspire me. 

I'm planning a giveaway, which I'll announce by the end of the week.   If you are inspired by this blog, or don't want to miss a freebie, you can sign up to receive an email when I post.  Look on my sidebar not far under the sea of happy faces, "Blog Post Notifications" an you'll see where you can sign up.  

Have a delightful day my friends.  Don't forget to stop back here on Thursday for another Scripture Thursday.  I have something a little different planned for that day and I'm really excited to share it with you.  

Be sure to email me a link if you've made something with one of my graphics so I can add it to my pinterest board.


  1. Yes, nothing beats a great scripture with a beautiful rose. Thanks for them both.

  2. Beautiful...Thanks so very much for sharing....blessings

  3. Good morning, Abby! Thank you so much for the wonderful images! I'm trying to get a project finished to link up but we've had a run of company lately! More coming we'll see what happens! I think there should be more hours in a day, or more days in a week! lol Have a happy day!...Nancy :o)

  4. I love the old postcard...beautiful. Nice to have so many email followers, I think I have 3??

  5. Love this Abby.My brain is already thinking how I'm going to craft this into a card. I have another card I'm working on for Amazing Grace. Prayerfully, I'll have them both done today or tomorrow to link up. Have a wonderful and blessed day in the Lord! B

  6. Beautiful postcard Abby...thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. Wow, that postcard sure *is* a beauty! The postage stamp quilt scan is gorgeous as well! I've been missing some of my fabrics, which are in storage, so this image is a delight for me to see today. It's so cool how graphics take up far less space than the actual physical item, lol! Can you believe that I recognize some of these fabrics? I have some old old stuff in my calico collection. ::winks::

    Thanks for sharing. You definitely made my day. God Bless! <3

  8. I love "things' with scripture verses son discovered out trivets have the gifts of the Holy Spirit written on cool..I had been using them for yrs and never noticed!

  9. Oh, so beautiful, Abby! I adore pink roses and I adore God's Word, wonderful to have them together! Blessings!


  10. Hi Abby~

    Thank you so much for these BEAUTIFUL images. I love the beautiful roses in the first image. It would be a wonderful set to have the same flowers, each with a different "Blesses are the..." Scriptures. Or maybe with a different design of flowers...but in a similar image...with a different "Blessed are the..." image. A collectors set! One a month for your Followers! Just an idea. I know I would love having one for each occassion, I think there may be others. Thank you for your sweetness for sharing these images!

    I just love the quilts. My best friend from when we were in high school's Mother went to be with the Lord last week. She has been making quilts for over 30 years. I am going to share this with her in a card. Thank you for sharing it. Perfect timing!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

    You May Receive 1-5 Cards Weekly!

  11. Thank you so much for another beautiful postcard!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Already an e-mail follower, Abby! I find that way, I won't forget to check your blog! Congrats on reaching (almost) 200. You provide inspiration each time you post, both the creative and spiritual kinds! A double reason to continue to visit! Cheers and congrats, my friend! Kay

  14. Hi Abby, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  15. That is a beautiful postcard.I love roses so it tugs at my heart. :o)

  16. Love the postage stamp quilt! Happy Pink Saturday from The Patchwork Ark and Warm Heart Bears!

  17. Your PINK is very pretty!
    thanks for sharing...and HAppy PINk SatURday!

    ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  18. Happy Pink Saturday Abby Sweetie...
    Oh I am so happy to have found you through PS. What a gorgeous share today. I love, LOVE your postcard. How beautiful it is, and the saying has always been one of my favorites. I thank you for the lovely share.

    The coloring is just exquisite. Thank you for sharing. I am #201 - your newest follower. Have a glorious weekend dear one.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  19. Inspiring. Happy Pink Saturday! ~Diane (I am #21)


Your comments are blessings to my day.