
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ A Help Meet

And the LORD God said,
It is not good that the man should be alone;
 I will make him an help meet for him.
 Genesis 2:18 (KJV)

Free Scripture Graphic

Twenty one years ago today, I became a “help meet” to my husband.  We’re told in Titus, that the older women should teach the younger women to love their husbands and children. 

The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—  that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,  to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.  Titus 2:3-5 (NKJV)

I think one of the most important roles that we have as women, is to teach by example.  Who are these younger women we are to teach?  For me, it’s my daughter and the other young women in my family, the teenage girls in my Sunday School class, young women I know in my community or church, or other women that God places in my path. 

Am I the same kind of “help meet” that I was in our first years of marriage?  By the grace of God, I am not.   There was a time my husband shared this verse with me:

It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop,
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
Proverbs 25:24 (NKJV)

You might imagine that I wasn’t making it easy for him. 


I’d like to share below what I have personally learned over the years about my role as a wife.

Seek the Lord first in all things.  Share a time of prayer and devotions together. 
Pray FOR him, pray WITH him.

Respect him, don’t talk down to him, and don’t talk to others about him in a negative way.

Don’t take him for granted.  Be appreciative of him and the things he does.  Tell him so.

It’s not all about ME.  Take time to hear his concerns, stories, hear about his day.

Is your husband your best friend?    If not, try treating him with the same respect you’d give a friend.

Don’t be a nag, don’t hold grudges, don’t bring up past mistakes

Let him enjoy his hobbies without badgering him about it.

Control your temper, watch your words, use your words to build him up, not tear him down.

Spend time together, eat your meals together, laugh together

Never give your husband a reason not to trust you.
If you at re-building that trust.

Ask God to show you how to be the wife he wants you to be

As the years have passed and our spiritual walk with the Lord has grown, our marriage has matured and grown stronger and the bond between us is deeper.  The foundation of our marriage is a commitment not only to each other, but first and foremost to love and honor the Lord. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.

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  1. Good morning Abby
    Really Liked your blog this am.. Thanks for sharing.. And

    Happy Anniversary to you both... May God continue to bless your marriage and give you many more happy years together
    You are loved by me but MOST BY JESUS

  2. Sheila Thomas HillMarch 8, 2012 at 8:22 AM

    Darling, Abby - That is absolutely the best advice known to woman! When followed, it's the perfect recipe for relational success and brings so much joy, satisfaction and fulfillment. You go, go, go, Girlfriend! I'm with you, 110%!
    Hugs, sth in Spruce Head

  3. This is the FIRST time I've received the Scripture Thursday since I signed up for your emails! I'M SOOOO GLAD I signed up! WHAT a WONDERFUL beginning to the day! THANK YOU! :) GOD BLESS YOU!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Abby! Great advice! I am sure the next 20 years will be even better than the last. Blessings to you and yours.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Such good words of advice in this post. Your husband was very wise to share that scripture. I don't believe that women as a group understand just how "naggy" and "contentious" we can become. It's as if our mothering skills go into hyperdrive and we forget that our husbands are not our children.

  6. Happy Anniversary Abby!~ What a beautiful post. I agree with Vee, lol! It never occurred to me that when women can get that way that it could be our mothering instincts kicking in.

    I have so much to be grateful for in my relationship/friendship/partnership. I've been pondering these things with gratitude over the past couple of days. :)

  7. Happy anniversary to you and your husband, Abby. Many, many, many more blessings for years to come.
    I could not agree more with you on all you've learned. Words of wisdom, my friend.
    Love that graphic with Proverbs 25:24. ;) Oh boy, do I remember those days. I learned that what I wanted to see in my husband, I needed to speak with my mouth and influence with my attitudes. Among your advice, prayer is very important, but something as powerful is how we speak to others of them. Our words are so powerful.
    Enjoy your day.
    Love that giveaway graphic too.
    Much love!

  8. Praying anniversary blessings over your marriage.

  9. Happy Anniversary! What a great post about being a good wife. I am going to pass this post onto my son's fiance. They will be married in May! Never to early to learn about how to be a good partner/wife.

  10. Abby...LOVE! the quote by E. Eliot and the picture you put with it. I'm going to print it out and hang ii in my daughter's room. Thank you for posting it. Blessings to you friend. :o)

  11. A blessed Anniversary! Thank you for these wonderful reminders! My husband is a gift from God! I hope I become more and more a gift to him also! Patsy from

  12. Happy Anniversary Abby.May you have many more beautiful ones to come.

    My husband died 10 years ago from esophageal cancer.I know what your saying these scriptures are lovely.

    Blessings! Have a great weekend.

  13. Hello Abby,

    It has been a busy week and I am running behind. I just linked up :) I tried adding your button to my post but it would not show up. I do have a link though.

    Thank you for sharing on Think on These Things!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  14. happy anniversary! I love the example you set of loving your husband.

  15. A great post! God has taught me these things as well through many years and lessons. Sometimes I do a better job at remembering them than others! God bless you for sharing and happy anniversary!

  16. Thank you so much for this lovely post, Abby!
    May you both be blessed for many years to come.
    I finally have a post to share at your party this week. I'm so glad about it - hope I'll do much more in this area in future.
    Thanks for hosting.

  17. Abby, I'm trying to catch up on the blog reading I missed while away - yours is at the top of my list! I so enjoyed this post and the practical tips you give for being a "help mate" to your husband!

  18. An absolutely wonderful post. One I wish all wives could read. It's the essence of a good marriage! I love my role in being a help meet. When I've done what I need to God blesses.


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