
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ In HIS Time

Many are the afflictions of the righteous:
but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
Psalm 34:19

According to Webster's 1828 Dictionary;
the word DELIVER has the following definition:

To free; to release, as from restraint; to set at liberty;
as, to deliver one from captivity.
To rescue, or save.

free scripture graphic for you

God promises us in this particular verse that he will DELVER his people from their afflictions.  My husband William, knows about this verse.  He has had a medical affliction for many years, even before I knew him.  There were never any answers despite lots of tests and doctors. 

We always prayed for healing…….for better days…….for relief from the pain.

My husband, reflecting on God's beautiful creation

After a recent flare-up that had lasted two weeks and was not improving, I took him to the ER.  As we waited to be seen, I prayed for the appropriate treatment that would provide some kind of relief from his distress.

An efficient and kind provider saw him, suspected she knew the cause, ordered some blood tests and found the reason behind YEARS of distress and pain.
What was the treatment?  Surgery? 
NO… a course of high powered antibiotics to wipe out an awful bacteria that had been living in his stomach for decades called
H Pylori.  

pinterest image

The answer to this problem was simple,
but William was in the hands of the 


who allowed the healing to be revealed only


He is halfway through his treatment and already feeling so much better.   We may not know why God allowed this to continue for so long, but we placed our trust in him. 

William’s coping mechanism can be summed up in the in the chorus of one of his favorite hymns Because He Lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

He’s a little reserved about his story being shared as he’s kind of the “quiet type” when it comes to himself.  I assured him that others will benefit from his story being told.    I also want to add, if you are afflicted with chronic stomach distress, you may want to consider asking your doctor about testing for H Pylori.

Thanks so much for visiting here and all the kind comments you leave.  They are all read, and each one appreciated.  


  1. A wonderful testimony, Abby. I'm so glad to hear that an answer has come in regards to your husbands affliction. Faith and character grow in times like these and he will shine with the love of Jesus even more as he shares his testimony. And it is so true: "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow" God bless!

  2. That is a WONDERFUL testimony! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!! We cannot see sometimes why God does things the way He does them, but however He does them, whenever He does them, HE IS GIVEN GLORY!!!!! THAT is our purpose! And through those tough times, it is our choice if we turn to Him for strength! Making our relationship with Him all the greater!Not knowing answers, shouldn't get in our way, that's where faith comes into play, TRUSTING in Him! WHAT A BLESSING TO SERVE A LIVING GOD!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Dear Abby,Tell your hubby, thank you! I know someone with a persistent ailment and it could be this bacteria, I'll tell them about it. I love his fave hymn too!
    Thank you for that scripture graphic. It might reach my friend, (a man who's resistent to Bible references), because of the ship! He loves all nautical things! I'm glad your husband is feeling better!

  4. Just what I needed to read today (how did you know?!). Thanks so much for sharing it with us --- it means more than you'll ever know!
    BTW - especially love that first graphic - thanks for sharing!

  5. Good morning, Abby,

    So thrilled to read about the healing for your husband and for the info on H Pylori.

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful scripture graphic!

  6. Good Morning Abby
    Great article today as usual.. Glad to hear that Hubby is feeling better.. that song.. 'Because He Lives'... is one that has keep me going through the years. Music has been such a blessing to me. Have a great day & God bless

  7. Such a wonderful testimony, Abby! God is so very, very good and it is right for us to share His goodness with others. This was so uplifting to read. Please thank your husband for allowing you to share it and bless others. Have a great day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good morning, Abby, Thursdays have now taken a new meaning for me. :) I cannot wait to get to your page in the morning.
    I am so happy to hear about your husband, and I'm glad he agreed to share this encouraging testimony. I think it is so important to pray for the right physician, nurses, and other staff, especially in the ER where there is so much confusion at times. I agree about God's timing too. Praising God along with you.
    I love the graphic of the ship. Goes so well with my sea post. And today's hymn took me way back. I couldn't resist singing it out loud.
    Thank you and congrats to Gwen. I'll try to link something. I'm loving Esther's cards.
    Blessings to all.

  10. Abby, Thank you for sharing your husbands story. I have been dealing with digestive problems for over a year and have not found a good solution. I will check into this bacteria. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  11. What a wonderful testimony Abby! I am so thankful that the solution was such and easy one. God is so good! I just love your writing and am always encouraged by your words. Your are is always a joy to me also. Blessings and hugs!!!!

  12. Wow! God is so good to allow the answer in that visit to the ER. Continued good healing and health to your husband.

  13. Dear Abby,

    Thanks for sharing and may God remain by your side always!

  14. Soooo glad to hear of this wonderful, joyous news for your husband! I know he is so relieved, I'm well as you too! God is so good and awesome! And thanks for the great graphic as's perfect....just as His word always is!


  15. I'm so happy for your husband & you. As a loving & concerned wife-I know what a burden on your heart it's been for you. God is so good & knows the perfect timing for all things!!

  16. Praise God for your husbands healing! What a great testimony of strength and steadfastness.
    I love reading your blog each week. Thank you.

  17. What an amazing testimony! Praise the Lord! So glad to hear about your husband's healing. TFS!

  18. Praise God for that doctor! We can't escape challenges but those who hope in the Lord will never be disappointed! Patsy from

  19. So thankful that the Lord has granted relief to your dear husband! And yet, as you have noted, He had a good purpose that was being worked out in the time of affliction. What a blessing you are, and do thank your beloved for allowing you to share. . .of the Lord's faithfulness! Hugs!!

  20. Really like the free artwork you've made available here. Thanks for sharing the story of your husband's trial and the solution! How wonderful to "trust and obey" over the years and to finally have an answer! God bless!

  21. I LOVE the word "deliver" because He has delivered me from so much! Our God is great!
    Bless you, dear Abby! =00

  22. A truly beautiful post, my friend! As one who lives with chronic pain...I also live with a loving Lord who gives me the strength to get through each day joyfully!
    I know that in His perfect time I will be healed, and in the meantime I am blessed with a closeness to my Lord that I may not have had otherwise!
    God is good!...Nancy :o)


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