
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Cast Your Burdens

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee:
 he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Psalm 55:22

My husband enjoys the hobby of fly fishing.  It always amazes me how when he casts his fly rod, it dances effortlessly across the river, seeming like it will never land. 

source: pinterest
Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word CAST as follows: 
To throw, fling or send; that is, to drive from, by force, as from the hand.

If our burdens were tangible objects, how easy it would be to hook it on the end of a fly rod and CAST it effortlessly across the river?  Obviously, it doesn’t work like that. 
However, God promises us in this verse, if we do
CAST our burdens on Him, He will SUSTAIN us. 

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines SUSTAIN as:
To bear; to uphold; to support; as, a foundation sustains the superstructure; pillars sustain an edifice;
The hope of a better life sustains the afflicted amidst all their sorrows.

Free for Personal Use ~ Psalm 55:22

The lyrics of one of my favorite hymns goes well with this verse.  

He Giveth More Grace
written by Annie J. Flint (1866 – 1932)
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials he multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

To cast our burden upon God, is to rest upon his promise.  If we have the faith of a child to do this, He will carry us in the everlasting arms.    He promises in Hebrews 13:5b ~ …I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.


  1. Thanks for linking up at Word Art Wednesday. I am also excited to link my work here on your blog, and I see you have a delightful gift this week, as do we at WAW. I am so grateful for you, Abby. I hope that our blog friends will choose to play along at both blogs and double their odds of winning a great prize!
    Have a blessed week.
    Karen L

  2. Thanks for linking up at Word Art Wednesday. I am also excited to link my work here on your blog, and I see you have a delightful gift this week, as do we at WAW. I am so grateful for you, Abby. I hope that our blog friends will choose to play along at both blogs and double their odds of winning a great prize!
    Have a blessed week.
    Karen L

  3. Ahh, just read that I had won the prize this week, what a blessing, I look forward in getting the Scripture cards! Thank you! Love the tie in of the fly fishing and casting - great analogy. I do have another Scripture tag to link up that I gave to a sister in Christ battling cancer. God bless!

  4. WOW!!!!!! LOADS of resources!!!!!!!! THANKS ABBY!!!!!! LOVE your "lesson" today!!!!!!!! You analogy was PERFECT!!!!!!!:) I think that is one of the HARDEST things for a Christian sometimes, to LEAVE things in His Hands!

  5. Hi Abby :o) I love the image to go along with the scripture. The scripture is one that I am needing and having the picture as a reminder is very helpful to me. You're such a blessing to me. I hope you're doing well. Take care.

  6. Beautifully written, and oh so true! Thanks for the link to my blog and freebies.

  7. Beautiful thoughts this week. I remember a lesson on this verse and one of the descriptions was "pitch" your cares on Him just as if you were tossing a ball. I rather like that a ball is not tethered back to me because it is a bad habit I have of giving something to the Lord and then taking it back. Lovely art your participants are creating!

  8. WooHoo Natalie, so glad you won!

    Beautiful message today Abby! I just love coming over here on Thursdays to see what you have in store for us! Thanks so much for sharing your love of God with all of us!

  9. Beautiful. I stopped by last night but you know I love to take my time with it, especially in the morning.
    Thank you, Abby.

    Congratulations to Natalie, and off to visit Karen.

  10. Wonderful, comforting verse. I have been reminded of this verse many times. Thank you, Abby for your heart of encouragement. You are a blessing to me and other as well.

  11. Oh how beautiful. It's such an inspiring and encouraging scripture!

    I've been running behind with everything lately, lol! I do have some good news to tell you though.

    This scripture reminds me of something someone told me some time ago. It's along the lines of dropping your troubles at the Lord's feet. Once you lay your burdens down, don't pick them back up again and carry them with you. Leave them there for God to take care of.

    I'm probably not saying it the same way she did, but I often stop and think about that when I start to worry about things. Some burdens are a little heavier though, which makes this scripture perfect for those types of situations.


  12. Abby...I love that you always share hymns and this one is precious. I love the lines "To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
    To multiplied trials he multiplies peace." Powerful reminder! Will add this hymn to the list of ones to learn. Be blessed my friend.

  13. THANK YOU Abby!!!!! HOW SWEET!!!!!!!!! :) (You've made me SMILE! )

  14. Hi Abby - Used a few of your sweet graphics - and credited you, too with a link at the end.

    Hope to one day participate in your link-up here. Building my skills in collage . . .


  15. Wow! What beautiful Scriptures you've shared today. They really spoke to my heart. Thank you.

  16. Your site is lovely. I will be back to visit againsoon.

  17. Love the "casting all your care on Him" image Abby. Just what I needed ~ thanks for sharing all your beautiful images!!

  18. Love the words to that hymn Abby - thank you for sharing them, and reminding us that God wants to bear our burdens.


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