
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day ~ Decoration Day

Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Memorial Day ~ a time of remembrance for those who died in service for their country.  It was originally called Decoration Day as the women would decorate the graves of the Civil War veterans.  This vintage postcard pictures a little girl doing just that. 

I wrote this particular post last year but feel it is worth repeating again for this Memorial Day weekend.   The vintage postcards included here are free for you.  Please see more specific info here about use of these images:  about Little Birdie Blessings graphics.

The caption on this next vintage postcard reads:
Let the Stars and Strips be waving o'er their generous sacrifice.

But his soul goes marching on. 
My father was a veteran, and my husband is as well.  I am proud of their service to our country.  Our town celebrates Memorial Day with a small parade.  They stop at one point on their route and throw a floral wreath into the ocean to remember those whose lives were lost at sea.  

Last year, 20/20 aired a story about a young man who was impaled by a live RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) in Afghanistan.  His chances for survival were slim as was anyone with him.  

Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

The men that were with him didn't flee and abandon him, they stayed with him.  He was flown to safety where he was operated on and his life was spared.   Countless men that day risked their own lives to save their friend and comrade.  I would say that the scripture above defines the actions of those men.  You can read more about this story here:  Unexploded Bomb in Soldier's Body.  A true act of heroism. 

I hope you all have enjoy your weekend.  Please don't forget to remember those who laid down their lives for this country.

The latest Scripture Thursday linky party can be found here:   




  1. PERFECT Post for Memorial Day Abby! Thank you for the Vintage Post Cards too! :)

  2. Hi Abby! A great post with such poignant vintage reminders - I must share this on my fb page. Blessings to you, friend!


  3. Dear Abby,
    I came across your blogspot via facebook and have fallen in love with it. I will be returning often for a visit. May God bless you and thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

  4. Thanks again Abby for the beautiful post, wonderful images and link. Very touching story. I hope you don't mind that I posted an image and story on my blog and FB page? (asking forgiveness before permission? Sorry) Have a wondeful weekend. B

  5. It's wonderful to remember the sacrifice that our soldiers have given for us!

  6. Thank you Abby, Have a wonderful holiday. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  7. Happy Decoration Day Abby, My blog post today is linked to you. Thank you for helping me to celebrate and decorate my blog to honor the holiday! Joyous Wishes, Linda

  8. In Jesus name I thank all the military men and women, serving now, served and gone onto heaven.

    Those cards are beautiful.

  9. Wow Abby, this is the first time I've heard about "Decoration Day". The graphics you've shared with us for this holiday are wonderful!

    Our town had a very small parade with a marching band. I got a chance to watch it from the studio as we're on the main street here and it was fun! Thanks for sharing about the parade in your town. It was nice to read about the wreath!


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