
Friday, June 22, 2012

Prayers for Olivia

Update on Olivia: 
She is home from the hospital, doing better, but weak and in pain.  The family is very appreciative of your prayers on her behalf.

Confess your faults one to another, and
pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

There are so many people that come to mind that need prayer.  We all need prayer.  However in one little corner, my friend's granddaughter Olivia has been re-hospitalized with complications from surgery.  She is thirteen years old, and in desperate need of prayer today. 

I think all of us have a tender place in our hearts when it comes to children who are ill.  Olivia's family would be very grateful if you were able to take a moment today and pray for her.  Thank you.


  1. Praying for her and for you and her family.
    God's Blessings to each of you.

  2. I've just made my fervent prayer for Olivia. I hope she feels much better soon. I know it.

    From Spain, in Europe. Many kisses.

  3. Praying for Olivia and her parents and grandparents, that God will comfort and encourage each one and that He will guide the doctors and bring healing to Olivia.

  4. Thank you for the opportunity to pray for Olivia and her family. As soon as I read your request, I stopped to lift them up in prayer.

    If appropriate, I would love to make a card of encouragement for her .... if we may send cards, please let us know.

  5. You may send a card if you'd like in c/o me and I'll make sure she gets it.

    Abby Hickey
    Attn: Olivia
    P.O. Box 286
    Tenants Harbor ME 04860

    Thank you all for your prayers. The are greatly appreciated.

  6. Praying in agreement with you all and trusting for a good report.

  7. I stopped and prayed for Olivia before I took time to write this and will continue to pray for her.

    Shelly xx

  8. Praying for the whole family - healing for Olivia and peace for the family.

  9. Lifting Olivia and her family up in prayer.


  10. Thank you for sharing about Olivia! I'm going to prayer for her!

  11. Abby I will be praying for Olivia and also give my mom a call to pray with her about it. She's always had a special gift for verbal prayers and I feel that it would be a good thing.

  12. I stopped immediately to pray for Olivia. Please keep us posted.

    While I was here, of course, I had to snag this clip art. My pastor's daughters are Faith, Hope, and Charity. And my favorite of these is Charity (LOL). Seriously. So I'm gonna use this to make a card for her birthday.

    Thanks for sharing, and please know that I'm happy to pray for Olivia.


  13. Abby, I have prayed for Olivia tonight, and she will be in my prayers tomorrow.

  14. Just prayed for Olivia, and would be happy to mail a card if you want to send me her mailing address.


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