
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scripture Thursday Announcement

Last week’s post about balancing priorities had me thinking about various aspects of how I spend my time.   Jan linked up a beautiful scripture card this week with the following verse:

 To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

After prayer and careful consideration, I’ve decided not to continue the linky party each Thursday.  I will continue to have a Scripture Thursday Devotion each week; however it will be without the link ups. 

I am not leaving you hanging with no place to go with your projects and happily encourage you to participate in the following scripture linky parties shown below.  Please visit their blogs for guidelines.

I hope you won’t be disappointed and understand that seasons come and seasons go.  These three ladies below do an excellent job of hosting weekly link ups.  There are many more as well.  You might check out my pinterest board for other places.  Blog Linky Parties

I’m so pleased with all who have linked to Scripture Thursday and hope you’ll continue to visit, and continue to use scripture in your work.  I’ll be back on Thursday with a new scripture, devotion and free graphics to share with you.  Thanks so much.  I appreciate all of you and your comments.  ~ Abby


  1. I do understand and am thankful for the many weeks that you've hosted the Scripture Thursday link-up, but most of all I'm thankful for your faithful sharing of God's precious Word and for exercising the gifts He's given you for building up and encouraging your sisters! You are a blessing and I'm thankful for the Lord's gift of you!!

  2. I too understand where you are coming from! I've enjoyed linking up to your parties, and you HAVE inspired me to use more Scripture on my cards. Thanks for being a blessing to all of us!

  3. Abby...I will miss the link up, of course, but its most important that you do what is best for you. No explanation needed. :o) Thank you for the mention and, as always, I look forward to your Thursday posts sweet friend. God bless you.

  4. Thanks for being a continued source of encouragement, Abby. I appreciate you more than words can say. Thanks for welcoming crafters to play along with us at Word Art Wednesday. You are a blessing to me!
    Karen L

  5. Blessings to you dear, Abby! I'm so glad you will continue to write a devotional each week, you are such an encourager and have equipped your readers with Scriptures and with direction towards our Heavenly Father all to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Hugs to you!

  6. Do what you believe the Lord is telling you to - and yes there are always seasons. I do love your devotions and art, and I am glad to see you continuing those.

  7. Thanks for sharing the lovely links. I so enjoy all the offerings I have discovered through your lovely place!

  8. Hi Abby

    You are so right: "The information we store and read on our e-devices affects how we think. Our thoughts affect the way we feel and act. Society has become desensitized to information our grandparents would have been appalled to hear or see."

    We don't seem to stand up and say something is not right, good, pure like generations past used to... and perhaps the moral decline has as much to do with Christians keeping quiet as it has to do with anything else.

    Excellent post.

    Wendy @ ECTaS

  9. Thank you so much Abby for being such an encouragement and blessing to me in your Scripture Thursdays. May you continue to follow the Lord Jesus to do what is best for you!

  10. I just love to stop by and see your beautiful images and hear your glorious words! Thank you for blessing us and Glorifying God! Blessings! Kathy

  11. Hi Abby
    When you posted this we were in the midst of preparing for my hubby's heart surgery & I didn't have time to write anything. I wanted to let you know that I am so thankful that God has lead you to continue on with your Thursday devotionals. They speak to my heart each week. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's leading in all things.

    Shelly xx


Your comments are blessings to my day.