
Monday, June 18, 2012

Seeing the Creator in a Flower

 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31

Free for Personal Use

I took this photo of the purple iris in the garden of my friend Diane.   I am in awe of its beauty and the ruffling of the delicate petals that are firm enough to hold their shape; the lines on some of the petals that form a pattern, the various hues of purple.  

How can we look at the beauty of a simple flower and not see our creator in it?  Take a moment today to see what your creator has put in your world for your enjoyment and awe.  Drop a comment here and share with others.

All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ 
Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the picture and that is one of my fave quotes! Lovely!

  2. Gorgeous iris.
    Thank you for this

  3. Very nice quote Abby! The Iris colours are fantastic! God's palette is indeed marvelous!
    God bless,

  4. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE Abby!!!!!!! :) I see the wildlife here on our place & they are not only magnificent to look at, but some MAJESTIC---like the elk! Little deer playing in the yard, the birds singing.... all these different species...AND I see the love a mother cow has for her young, or even a cat for her kitten...ALL THIS made by our Creator! And our Creator gives us the talent & urge to create ourselves, whether it be in crafts or arts! God is a WONDERFUL ARTIST!!!!!!!!!! We ONLY mimic Him!

  5. What a beautiful, beautiful picture! Especially love it paired with the verse you used!

  6. Gorgeous Abby! Thanks so much for sharing. Wonderful scripture and beautiful Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.

  7. beautiful picture and scripture..thank you for blessing me..I am going to share on my facebook page..Blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. Habakkuk 2:14 says, "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." God's goodness isn't hidden or buried, it is seen throughout His creation. Even in this gorgeous flower we see his masterful hand at work! To God be all the glory!

    Thanks for sharing, Abby!!

  9. He certainly did add a great deal of detail. He didn't have to create a world of such color and variety. As we say, "He didn't spare the horses."

  10. Sheila Thomas HillJune 19, 2012 at 9:32 AM

    I am so enjoying our flowers as they bloom in the borders, and iris are BIG right now! So fabulously awesome! And such a pertinent scripture. P.S. my trip went very well, Connecticut is great and my grandbaby wonderful! But I miss my sisters from Bible study. hugs, Sheila STH from Mid-Coast Maine

  11. Beautiful picture, Abby. I always loved Iris'. Below is something I put on my FB. "Look for the beauty around you. When you see it, acknowledge it, and Praise God for it." Just a random thought that morning of May 20th. The Lord had "dropped it" into my heart. Your post reminded me of it. Hope your having a blessed week my friend! B

  12. Abby...that is a beautiful flower! And, yes, it is a conscience effort on our part to be looking for Him in all things. Thank you for the encouragement sweet friend.

  13. Beautiful photo of a beautiful flower Abby...He is such a wonderful artist!!
    I woke early the other day...before dawn. The birds were singing and all I could think was thank you Lord for this morning symphony. His creation is all around. I pray more people would see it.

  14. That is beautiful, Dear. I saw God's amazing sunset tonight, bright orange.I wished that I had my camera. :)

  15. This is very beautiful, Abby, both the image and your words. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  16. I just found your blog and wanted to say "hi" and that I have enjoyed your posts. Have a blessed evening.


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