
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Be Strong & of a Good Courage

Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the
your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

A few weeks ago, my four year old grandson attended the annual local fair with his family. When seeing the climbing wall challenge, he asked his dad if he could try it. He was given permission, and prepared to be rigged up for the climb. As he waited, he quietly assessed the situation.

There was another young girl climbing beside him, which I think gave him a boost of confidence. He made it quite a way up when he told me he started to get a “little bit scared and was about to cry but didn’t”. At this point, he was lowered down to the ground to be reunited with his family. He said he was glad that he tried it.

Given my fear of heights, this exhibits a great deal of courage to me, especially at such a young age.

  Whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
Psalm 56:3

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines courage as:
Encountering difficulties with firmness

There are many stories of courage in the bible. Here are just a few of the people that faced difficult situations. God gave them strength and courage to do what was right.

Daniel, who was thrown in a den of lions,
David who faced the giant Goliath
Queen Esther, who risked her life to save her people
Jesus’ mother Mary, who faced the ultimate act of courage.

Can you imagine being approached by an angel who gives you news that is difficult to comprehend? Mary responded Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. In other words, May it be to me as you have said.

In God’s Word, the Bible, there are many verses about courage. They equip us to face our fears, not alone, but with the power of God.

My friend Denise, who unexpectedly lost her husband, is seeking the Lord for her courage and strength because she knows she’s not able to do it with her own resources.  

Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Another friend prayerfully and courageously faced necessary surgery. In her painful recovery, she is still strong and courageous through the power of God. 

And yet another friend lost her brother and sister within a few months of each other.  She knows about courage and strength in times of adversity.

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them;
for the
your God, He is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Whatever you need courage for today, there is a God of HOPE who promises to give you the courage and strength you need. You just need to ASK, and have FAITH that He will come through for you.  

Have you ever had to be courageous in the midst of adversity?  Did you have a favorite verse that gave you hope?  Thanks for stopping by, I'm grateful for each and every one of you.   Please pray if you're able, for the three women I mentioned here.  I know they would appreciate it.  


  1. Gorgeous Vintage artwork as usual Abby. Hope you are doing well.

  2. Thank you for sharing from God's Word Abby! He truly is our strength! I shall pray for your friends that they may continue to seek him in their struggles!

  3. Beautiful images, Abby. I was thinking about you today, and prayed for you. I asked God to bless you and your husband "exceeding abundantly beyond all you ask or think" as His precious Word says He will. I am so blessed by your sweet Christian sisterhood, and your dear friendship. Thanks for always listening when I need an ear, and offering Godly advice when I need it most. You are a blessing from God and I do pray that He will bless the ministry you and your husband share, and you personally for all that you do for me, and for others.
    Love you my friend.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. Hi Abby:
    Thank you for the inspiration and art. Sharing the Word is very comforting, and your message is especially appropriate for my life right now.

  5. Oh Abby - I too know so many who have faced great difficulty with great courage thanks to their faith in God.God is so faithful - I will add my prayers for your friends.
    Thanks you for sharing.

  6. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your courageous grandson.

    Your beautiful artwork is always an inspiration to me and so many.
    I am praying for your dear friend.

    I hope you're doing well.

  7. What a brave little fellow! He did climb very high. Well done.

    Adversity finds us all, doesn't it? I wish that I could say that I've always been brave, but there have been times when I've been known to take to my bed. ☺

    It is always a privilege to pray.

  8. Your story makes me think of my son when he was in Junior High & all the troubles he went through...He tried to be brave! He chose a particular song to listen to at that time---It was by Nicole Nordman, "Brave." (A Christian Artist.) He made it through! And I remember when we first took him to he signed in the dorm, my husband said his hand was shaking as he signed his name. He was Brave then too! God is GOOD to give us STRENGTH & COURAGE when we need it! AND to let us know HE IS WITH US as we walk down the path He has for us! Thank you Abby for a BEAUTIFUL POST AND ARTWORK today! :)

  9. Wonderful devotion Abby and I will be praying for your friends.

  10. I love seeing the way you create your beautiful collages -- and then share them with us as Freebies! Thanks so much for taking the time to both create and write out your devotionals.
    I especially like this verse that you shared: "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them;
    for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.
    He will not leave you nor forsake you.
    Deuteronomy 31:6"
    It makes all the difference in the world WHO goes with you!

  11. Oh my the vintage wwork is beautiful.Lis

    come follow my blog

  12. Abby...friend, I always come here knowing I will be encouraged. God is faithful, isn't He? Your prints are marvelous. Thank you for sharing at WJIM. Blessings to you.


  13. How refreshing it is to read your posts, Abby! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful truths from God’s Word. In today's post, you mentioned two scripture passages that the Lord has made especially meaningful to me.

    The verses I’m speaking about are Psalm 56:3 and Joshua 1:9.

    When my son was a small boy I quoted Psalm 56:3 to him before bedtime. At the time, he was being plagued with nightmares. That verse was such a great help to him. Now, my son is married and the father of 3 little girls. His oldest, Abby, is 7 years old and I was able to share this verse with her last year when she, too, was experiencing some fears. I also made her a bookmark for her Bible with that verse on it. So Psalm 56:3 has been a very special verse for our family.

    Several years ago when I was in a very stressful situation, the Lord brought Joshua 1:9 to my attention. What an impact that scripture had on me!! I’ll never forget the courage that filled my soul as I read it. How precious it is when a particular scripture passage is directly applied in a time of great need. I have to say I took “ownership” of that verse, if you know what I mean.

    Here is another similar verse that is also very special to me. I’d like to share it with you.

    “Fear not, I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

    After reading your post today, I stopped and had prayer for your three friends who are going through such deep struggles. I pray that the Lord will lead them to His Word where they can be strengthened for their difficult journeys. I pray that each of your friends will find a scripture passage that will speak to their hearts and give them peace and courage.

  14. Thank you very much!!! I need this to day.
    Kirsti from Finland.

  15. WOW, the lessons we learn from children! We can talk about courage all we want but until we climb that rock wall we haven't tested it! Bravo to your grandson!

  16. I always love your postings. I just want you to know, I have been praying for Denise ever since you asked us to. Let her know, through Christ even strangers are praying and caring for her. Beth,

  17. Thanks so much for your devotion on courage this week. I pray courage for my son as he gets ready to start a new school year. Courage to stand on God's Word, to commit to doing right when all around him it seems like his peers are on a different track. Love your gorgeous art that goes along with the scripture verses. Thanks for sharing withus at Word Art Wednesday this week.

  18. Wow, the images are just beautiful!!

    Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.

    Have a blessed day!



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