
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Scripture Thursday - How Much is Too Much?

And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
You shall bind them as a sign on your hand,
and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. 
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 NKJV


With a new school year starting up and the big yellow buses seen everywhere, I’m reminded that my mother used to pray scripture with me every morning before school. 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.  May the LORD watch between you and me when we are absent one from another.  (Psalm 19:14, Genesis 31:49 NKJV)

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 tells us to teach God’s word diligently to our children.

Diligently ~ Webster’s 1828 dictionary says with steady application and care.

A child’s mind can absorb information like a sponge, which they retain and remember.  I started memorizing scripture when I was four years old, and did so through my teenage years.  The verses I learned are still with me, like a library stored away in my mind which I can draw on when I need them.  Memorizing as an adult comes a lot harder than it does to a child.

How much is too much?  According to this passage, you can’t have too much of God’s word and instruction.

Talk of God’s word when you sit in your house
when you walk by the way
when you lie down
when you rise up
write it on your hand ~ your forehead
write it on the doorposts of your house
write it on your gates

Click for larger size ~ free for personal use or sharing

I have a friend whose family actually wrote scripture all over the framework of their home as it was being built.  What a comforting thought to know your home was surrounded by God’s word.

I’ve profiled a few mothers of influence below (some of the information is from the pages of  Mothers of Influence).  These mothers applied this passage of scripture in their home and taught their children diligently.

Susannah Wesley

Susannah Wesley (1669 – 1742) mother to 19 children and famous hymn writer Charles Wesley (wrote over 9,000 hymns), as well as John Wesley, a great preacher of his day.  Mrs. Wesley prayed one hour a day for her children, and could often be seen with her apron over her head – a sign to her children that she was praying.   She also set aside individual time for each child to teach them spiritual things.  A mother of influence teachers her children to pray.

Mrs. Graham with her son Billy

Morrow Coffey Graham (1892 – 1981) prayed that her son would become a world-renowned evangelist and taught him to trust God and believe the Bible.   Her prayers were answered for her son Billy Graham, who preached to more people than any other evangelist.   She never stopped praying for him until the day she died.  A mother of influence prays diligently for her children.

Amy Carmichael

Catherine Jane Carmichael (unknown – 1913) taught her daughter Amy Carmichael to love and trust God for all her needs.  Amy later became a very famous missionary to India, rescuing thousands of girls from a life of abuse.  She was known as the mother to the motherless.  A mother of influence nurtures her children and releases them to God’s care.

Fanny Crosby

Mercy Crosby mother to Fanny Crosby (born 1820) was totally devoted to her only daughter.  Blinded in infancy, Fanny was taught the Bible by her mother and grandmother.  She committed much of it to memory and became one of the most famous hymn writers of all time, writing over 9,000 hymns.  Her mother was a firm believer in prayer and taught Fanny the same.  Because of her mother and grandmother’s influence, Fanny’s hymns have blessed millions of people.  A mother of influence devotes herself to her children’s needs.

Well known women’s Bible teacher and author Elizabeth George says:  You and I as parents must always be praying hope for our children regardless of their age or stage in life. In fact, this is yet another one of God’s “missions” for moms and dads: We are to be diligent prayer warriors. We are to do battle through prayer on behalf of our precious children. Pray for their spiritual growth into a man or woman after God’s own heart as your calling, your mission assignment from God. 

Commit to doing your part and trust God to do His! 
~ Elizabeth George ~

For those who do not have children, reach out to children in your circle of family and friends.  One can always pray for them if nothing else. 

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I’d love to hear how you ways that you teach/taught your children.



  1. I enjoyed this post so much, Abby. What a lovely habit your mother began with you before school. When our church was built several years ago, the members wrote scripture on the floor before the tile was laid, and it always made me happy to think about all of the verses under the floor.

  2. Abby, Thanks for this post today. Encouraging and enlightening! :o)

  3. I got my children involved in Ministry with me---when I'd do a VBS, our kids were right there with me! Brain storming...creating...whatever! They were there with me! When I taught Sunday School---Visiting the Shut-ins--- Today, they are LOVING & SWEET children that LOVE GOD & LOVE to serve others!

  4. Wonderful post, Abby. I would read Scripture to my kids at the breakfast table and then we would pray together before they left for school. If I could do it over again, I would change the fact that I mostly talked at them rather than with them and would have encouraged more input from them. But even though they are adults it's not to late! I'm trusting the Lord that they will know Him and serve Him whole-heartedly. Pray, pray, pray!

  5. What a horrible thing it is not to teach children faith in God Who is ready to help them in times of trouble. I truly think it is cruel and I know so many who think nothing of it. Thank you for all the examples of godly mothers. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

  6. Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom and encouragement today, Abby. God bless you.

    May I ask for your prayer about something? My husband & I lead a small group of children from our church who have indicated they want a deeper walk with God. The weekly group is called, "Deeply For Kids" and is due to start back up in a few short weeks. I have been praying for direction. Would you join me in prayer for this precious group of children?
    Thanks bunches,

  7. thank you for your teaching Abby - we always had a bible based devotion and breakfast, I prayed with the children, and any friends, as they left for school, and we had family devotions/bible study in the evenings.

  8. One of the best things about homeschooling is that our children are familiar with all these characters. Most P.S. kids never learn about missionaries, early pioneers of the faith, etc., but through homeschooling, (using the right curriculum) they do. My son struggles with Math, but he knows his Bible. This post blessed my heart, as your posts always do.

    I also love that scripture from Deuteronomy 6. The last line that reads "you shall write them on the doorposts of your house...." is where the Jewish faith gets the concept for the mezuzzah (spelling??). This is a tube-like decoration that holds the Ten Commandments, and sometimes even the entire Old Testament. When we learned about this, we decided to hang one at our house and to also give one as a house-warming gift to others when they get their first home.

    What a blessing to visit your blog and be encouraged in the Lord through His word, and through your deep love for Him. I appreciate you so much, and I just prayed for you that God will bless you for blessing others.

  9. Hi, I wanted to comment on your birthdy post. I knew the give away was closed but I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope it was a special day for you. I enjoy your blog...

  10. Hi Abby,

    I learned about your blog from the Words Study Wednesday link up at the A Cherished Keeper blog. Thank you for sharing this! I feel very encouraged by this post. :)


  11. Certainly we will pray, Theressa


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