
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Increased Strength ~ Story of Annie Johnson Flint

Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the LORD,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
 He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might
He increases strength.
Isaiah 40:28-29 (NKJV)

free graphic

I like the way this verse starts out ~ such an exuberant way to say YOU HAVEN’T HEARD that God never gets weary?  YOU DIDN'T KNOW he gives power to the weak?  YOU HAVEN'T HEARD the creator of this universe has time to care about you and your needs?  

We don’t know how He does it.  He tells us His ways are unsearchable.  We just have the faith that He does and will give us the strength we need to carry on through our trials and day to day tasks.

Free for personal use or sharing

A woman named Annie Johnson Flint (1866 – 1932) knew the meaning of this passage of scripture.    Annie lost both parents before the age of six, was adopted, and later in her teens afflicted with painful, crippling arthritis.  Her fingers became closed and rigid; it was even difficult to turn her head.  She took to writing poetry.  In one account I read, she used her knuckles to type out the words on a typewriter.  Another account tells how she painfully penned the words with her crippled hands.

Annie was known as the “poet of helpfulness”, and often gave her poetry as gifts to friends.  As her poems became more widely known, many were set to music.  He Giveth More Grace is one of my favorite hymns, Annie wrote this hymn from her personal experiences. 

The last thirty years of her life were spent bedridden and in pain, but Annie didn't let that stop her from continuing to do the Lord’s work that He had laid on her heart. 

Annie Flint

He Giveth More Grace
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials His multiplied peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Annie Johnson Flint (1866 – 1932)

Are you
or exhausted? 

Cling to the words in this passage of scripture, and the words in this magnificent hymn.
God cares about you! Reach out to Him for help. He will increase your strength and sustain you.  

Thank you to Su at Starsunflower Studio for her free graphics which I used to make today's Scripture printable.

This post is linked to: Word Art Wednesday,   Monday Musings, Deep Roots at Home, Fellowship Fridays , A Cherished Keeper, Titus Tuesdays, Hearts4Home


  1. Beautiful post as always Abby. You always share such beautiful vintage art along with inspiring words.

  2. Beautiful post Abby....I love the verse you shared. What a mighty promise for us to hold on to!

    Thank you for sharing the story of Annie Flint...the hymn is beautiful!

  3. Wow, what an amazing woman of faith and love Annie Johnson Flint was. Abby, thank you for sharing such an encouraging post.

  4. Just the words I need for today. There are things going on all the time with ourselves and our families and friends...we need to know that God is still in control and has our very best interests at heart.

  5. I had never heard of Annie Flint until reading this post...what an inspiration to me...what a faithful sister in Christ....thank you for sharing these beautiful words,and dear images...many blessings to you sister....and thanks to Marie(above)for directing me to this post...God is very Faithful indeed.

  6. BEAUTIFUL post Abby! :) THANK YOU!!!!! AND LOVELY images! :)

  7. Thank you for this wonderful post Abby! The Lord truly has some way for each of us to bring Him glory! May we continue to seek to serve Him in the capacities that he has given us.

  8. Thank you Abby, just what I needed to hear during these days of waiting. I will use your beautiful art work....I love using the graphics. Looking forward to getting together with you.

  9. Thank you again, Abby for your words of encouragement and the history lessons you always include.Have a blessed weekend my friend!

  10. Thank you for sharing this powerful and precious truth! God's word is always strengthening, and I so enjoy the way you show the heritage of our faith, as well. It is so amazing how the testimony of God's goodness continues to echo for so many years!

    I am weary right now, but it is a good kind of weariness that comes from meeting seventy five new fifth graders and finishing the second week of school. This devotion was so refreshing to me! Thanks again,

  11. I did not know the story of this song... it is one of my favorites! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts & images!

  12. Abby: God is SO GOOD! I was having a slow morning, and visiting your blog put my heart and mind right where they needed to be. God used your words to speak to me and bless me, and I praise Him for using you to bring Him glory. You are SUCH a blessing in my life (and I'm confident to others as well), and I thank you. We're blessed to have you share your heart and your art with us at WAW. I just prayed for YOU, too, that God will bless your day as you have blessed mine.
    Word Art Wednesday

  13. Wow, your work is so beautiful. And I love the scriptures you've shared. God is so good! Amen!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us on WAW.
    Have a blessed weekend.


  14. Hi Abby back doing bit more blogging again and have linked over to you today with my post here:

    What a wonderful collection of thoughts here - yes I love the verse, and yes also the hymn - the verse in James that the hymn is based on.." Surely he giveth more grace.." is one of my favourites!! but sadly not in our hymn book so we rarely sing it. Thanks for sharing God bless, Shaz in oz.x

  15. Oh my... I've sung this old hymn many a time.... it lifts a dragging spirit every time.

  16. hello Abby :)
    just found out your blog and this is just what i felt, Thank you for sharing this beautiful post,it is encourage me.
    i hope i could share this post too.
    God Bless you Abby

  17. Wonderful! Thank you Abby! cod bless your faithful work here!


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