
Saturday, March 2, 2013

This & That ~ and some Freebies

Restlessness and impatience change nothing
except our peace and joy.
Peace does not dwell in outward things,
but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully
and quietly on Him who has all things
safely in His hands.
Elisabeth Elliot
Hello friends.  I have a little of this and that to share with you today.  I have a new facebook cover I've made for you.  Free for personal use or sharing.  Hope you enjoy it.  If you don't have facebook, the graphic can be used in other ways.

Megan from Lilac & Lavender is a digital artist who offers beautiful freebies on her blog. She recently used one of my graphics to make some freebies for you. One of them is shown below.   You can click on the picture below for more freebies like this one.  You'll love what you find.  Thanks Megan, these are a beauty. 

Compliments of Megan from Lilac & Lavender

My friend Mary has four little ones who have been quite ill with asthma, respiratory illness, and RSV.  In particular her infant Micah is very ill at this time with RSV.  Please pray for this little baby, his sisters, mom Mary, and this whole household.  Your prayers are greatly appreciated. 

If you're interested in my sprained ankle update you can read below, if not you can skip past the pictures and on to the next paragraph.  For those who don't know, I took a bad fall last week on the ice an sprained my ankle.  I'm still unable to bear weight without the air boot/cast but I can see some progress being made each day.    You can read more about it here:  Thanks for the Blessings I worked it into a Scripture Thursday Devotion.  Here's a couple of pictures from my week.

I had an incident recently where one of my personal family photos was pinned.  The person who had pinned it wasn't responding to my messages.  I was able to have it removed by Pinterest.  I quickly learned how to protect those photos I didn't want pinned, by inserting a simple HTML code the photo.  Please take my advice and put the code in at the time you insert the picture, otherwise you'll be looking through code for a long time trying to figure out where the picture is.   If interested in a brief tutorial on how to do this, click on the image in this paragraph, or click **here**.

You can find me on Pinterest here:  Little Birdie Blessings Pinterest
That's all for now, I'll close with a few vintage Easter postcards from my collection.  You can click on each image for the largest size, right click and save to your computer. 


  1. You are so computer savvy!!
    Praying for the sick family and for your complete recovery from the sprain. God bless you for sharing so much info! Thank you.

  2. So many things to comment on! Looks as if you are getting the royal treatment. Those grands are super helpers and Mr. Birdie Blessings is still smiling sweetly!

    Lovely graphics all...

    Thank you for the tip about HTML code. I'm going to check into that...should I pin it? I'd like to.

  3. So pleased to hear you are feeling better Abby - your poor home aide looks exhausted ;-).
    Thanks for the tip about pinning - I also watermark my photos when I publish, but that is not really possible when you are sharing images.

  4. Sweet Easter and spring themed cards and graphics, and I see your hubby and grands are caring for you.

  5. HOW on earth did you know someone pinned your personal photo??? Did you see it up??? You ARE GOOD at the computer!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! I've been thinking about doing a "Watermark" on my photos!
    Your grandson's look like they MIGHT like to be doctors! They look VERY INTENT!!!!!!!!! :) THANKS for all the images!!!! & the link!!!!!! :) HOPE & PRAY you're doing better soon!!!!!! :)I know what your friend is going through! Our daughter had RSV when she was 3 months old! Praying for you & your friend & her family! :)

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful images! Prayers for health and happiness for you and your family.

  7. Thank you for another super post and also for your kind words re: my husband's article! I am pleased you are getting better and your grandsons are having fun with your cast!!!! Prayers for Mary and the children. Having a son with symptomatic asthma I understand the concerns. Give them all a big hug from us!
    Anne :O)

  8. Abby...thank you for the Pinterest information. I watermark all my photos but I like the idea of being able to select certain photos to protect even more. I'm also thankful for all the TLC you're receiving sweet friend.

  9. Abby, I just prayed for you; I hope you'll have a speedy healing.


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