
Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday's This and That

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content.

Philippians 4:11

I stumbled on the contentment verse this morning and remembered the graphic I'd previously made.  When I add scripture to a vintage graphic or photo, it's not done randomly.  I usually chose the scripture first and then search for something in my collection of images that would match it.  The woman in this vintage image reflects this verse to me.  She seems to be pondering her circumstances, perhaps praying.  Not fretting, crying, or stamping her feet. 

I need this verse today as a reminder to be content in my own circumstances.  It's been four months since I fell and injured my ankle.  A bad sprain turned out to actually be a fracture, which was healing and now the bone has re-fractured.   It's interesting the things we take for granted until we don't have use of them anymore, like walking or any other physical problem we face.   I'm writing about this today hoping to encourage someone else, while at the same time reminding myself to be patient.   I am in the hands of the Great Physician, and He is in control.  He will give me the strength I need to get through each day.

You may have noticed a new look here on my blog.  If you're getting this via email, you can see it **here**.   Since I am pretty much immobile, I have time to spend designing a new look.  I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.  I designed it myself using some graphics from my online friend Su at Starsunflower Studio.  Su designed the previous layout of my blog and is a graphics guru.  There are many free things she offers on her blog.  You should check it out if you enjoy digital images. 

Thanks to Dawn at The Feathered Nest who provides so many great freebie vintage images on her blog.  The little birdies in the blog header came from her.   There are still some finishing touches I want to make here on this new design, but for the most part it's how it will be for awhile.  Notice the tabs at the top of the blog, Scripture Thursday posts are in one convenient place for you to peruse as you'd like.  Here's a link to that page:  SCRIPTURE THURSDAY DEVOTIONS.

In the works is a new blog button with code, it's all designed, and will be sharing that this week. 

Happy 7th Anniversary to my daughter and her husband.  Seems hard to believe that 7 years have gone by since the day they were married.  They have been blessed with two sweet little boys who not only enrich their lives but all of our family. 

Happy 7th Anniversary to my daughter and husband

As you may know Google reader is going away as of today July 1st.  You can follow my blog with "Bloglovin" which I have used to follow blogs I enjoy.  It seems to be quite popular and is taking off.   To follow this blog, you can click on the bloglovin link in the upper left corner of this blog, or click here:  BLOGLOVIN

If you prefer to follow by getting an email when I post, you can sign up here: 
Little Birdie Blessings by Email

Thanks for visiting today.  I enjoy reading your comments and emails so feel free to respond.   I hope you have a wonderful week 

This post is linked with:  Monday's MusingsWord Art Wednesday,

~ ABBY ~


  1. Love your blog and your beautiful art work. It's like a mini vacation in my busy days. Thank you so much.

  2. You have a lovely blog! I am so excited to meet you through Stephanie and look forward to getting to know you. Now I'll need to grab a cup of tea and have a nice visit here :)

  3. I DID notice your new look last time I was here Abby! It's SOOO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!:) I'll be praying for you & your leg!!!! (I know someone else who broke their leg last winter & now is dealing with a cut that won't heal!) GOD IS GOOD & HE is the Author of our bodies!!!!!:) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to your Daughter & her Husband!!!:) BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!:)

  4. Your blog looks beautiful, Abby!
    I'm so sorry about your ankle! Such times are wonderful opportunities for reflection and communion with our God. We are unable to be distracted by the regular business of day to day life! Enjoy!...Nancy :o)

  5. So sorry to hear of your pain, Abby. Thank you for reminding me of contentment-encouraging me with the same encouragement you have received from the Lord.

    I have chronic health issues of my own, and often joke that I am a type A person in a type B body! So I often choose to be irritated with myself over all I can't do, instead of just accepting what the Lord has for me!

    Although Google reader is going away, GFC will be staying and we will be able to read each other's blogs in our blog dashboard just the same!

    Have a blessed week, Abby

  6. Lovely design Abby! Your blog looks super cute! :) and so is the content of today's post.
    So sorry about your ankle. Thank you for sharing with us such beautiful thoughts, even in a difficult situation.I just love the "Scripture Thursday" posts,and ,Thank you so much for making it easy to read :).
    My best wishes to your dear daughter and her husband on their 7th anniversary.
    Thank you Abby for the "wordartwednesday" link you've provided. It inspired me to make my first scripture card :).

  7. Your new look is just beautiful, Abby. I'll be praying for your ankle. I wonder ... is God allowing this downtime to give you more time to devote to this precious ministry here on your blog, where you are reaching and encouraging more women than you can possibly imagine? Just a thought...

    Have a wonderful week!
    In Him,

  8. I love visiting your blog.

    I just prayed for you. Keep looking to Him and His strength.


  9. Abby, you don't know how often I think of you and your "special" circumstances. How's that for euphemistic? We can't know what God wants to build into us when we're going through these trials. Maybe it's nothing big or great even, just something foundational that will fit us for some future experience.

    You are not going to believe what Happened while I was writing this comment...I'll email.

  10. Oh I and I also wanted to say Happy Anniversary to your beautiful daughter and her handsome groom!

    Read it again and it was just as good the second time around. I love that you use my little birdie, which started as someone else's and I added the text. It was probably Dawn's first now that I think of it. She's such a generous gal.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your fracture. I hope all of your readers who you've blessed with your vintage images will say a little prayer for your healing...that would be a lot of prayers!! You are so right when you talk about the things we take for granted...we all need to learn the importance of contentment. Thank you Abby and take good care of YOU!

  12. Sorry to hear you refractured your foot, I too needed to hear this after hurting my back, I need to learn patience in what I am going through and give it time to heal.
    Your blog looks beautiful and wishing you kids many more years together!

  13. Hullo there Abby praying for you as know too how immobility can be a time of learning and frustration too, so praying for God's grace and mercy to abound in this for your through each day...
    ... and any medical treatment needed to be guided by His wisdom too, love in Him, Shaz in oz.x

  14. I love the look of your blog Abbey although I am struggling sometimes with the finer print as it blends into the background. The whole design and colour scheme is beautiful! Thank you for todays meditation. I am sorry to hear that your ankle was indeed a # and that ou are once again immobile.I have a frozen shoulder/capsulitis and although the intense pain has gone, movement is limited still. It can take up to 2 years to heal. So you are right when you say that we take so much for granted! Get better really quickly!

  15. I'd venture to say we can all use the reminder to be content in our circumstances! I too had a bad fall last year and injured my ankle...then a few months ago had a terrible bout of sciatica. Then a fall that jolted my hip. Oh my! These things have taken a toll on my body. But I am recovering...and I'm not giving up. And I'm better today than I was yesterday. Thanks for the reminder to be content. Blessings!

  16. Oh Abby this is a beautiful new look - love it :-). Thanks so much for your graphics - I always love them

  17. Thanks for your sweet mention. I love the new look Abby! You did a great job. Also I took a look at The Feathered Nest. Looks like an awesome blog! I'm going to add her blog to my RSS reader! I get your posts via email as well.

    Also thanks for the wonderful message. I've been wondering what the status of your ankle is, how you've been feeling etc. Sending you HUGE hugs and lots of LOVE.

  18. Beautiful card and scripture. Being content is sometimes hard. I hope your ankle injury heals fast.

  19. Thank you, Abby, for your sweet attitude and graceful spirit during this difficult time. The Scripture you shared is certainly a blessing and the photo is perfect with the words.

    Blessings to you, dear friend! Hugs :)

  20. Hi Abby! It's always such a blessing to visit your blog and see your sweet art pieces. This one has a WONDERFUL scripture, and we really do need to learn to be content WHEREVER the Lord has us. Our flesh is always seeking MORE, and yet, we are so blessed. Just start counting our blessings, right?! I'm also always SO blessed by your sweet and encouraging comments. Thanks for always being such an encourager. It means so much!
    There really are A LOT of great blogs/people out there who share free digital art and it's such a blessing. Thanks for sharing this one.
    Have a blessed week.
    Word Art Wednesday

  21. Oh yes, two more thoughts before I run off.

    One, congrats to your daughter and hubby on 7 years of marriage. I am still praying for Andrea to find a man of God who will marry her and love her forever. I am SO excited for Grandbabies, but need to just pray about that husband first!!
    And, I do LOVE your blog makeover. It's so vintage and sweet. Always a joyful experience to visit you, Abby.
    May God bless your week with His goodness and love! Thanks for sharing,

  22. Hello Abby, I am sorry you are not well at the moment but at least you are trying to remain positive and using the time to do the 'nice' things you don't normally have time for. As we know, nothing happens without our God's approval, so there is definitely a reason why the Lord feels you need to have a rest. This is such a pretty picture...I love poppies and this is very sweet and gentle x

  23. Your blog looks terrific! Thanks for the wonderful image. oOmeone I know needed that today. (me)


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