
Sunday, July 14, 2013

This and That Monday & Free Graphics

Faith is like radar that sees through the fog
-the reality of things at a distance
that the human eye cannot see.

~ Corrie Ten Boom ~

I haven't been traveling far from home because of my fractured ankle.  I miss being able to be out and about with my camera.  I did however get a few pictures outside my mother's house the other day.  She has the most delightful bird as a handle for her hose.  The picture above seemed very peaceful to me and I thought this verse, Be still and know.... went well with it. 

She also has the most gorgeous tuberous begonias in her window boxes.  I couldn't resist a close up of this beauty.  I changed the background to black and white so the color would pop.   My mother has quite the green thumb, something that I did not inherit. 

My Mother's Tuberous Begonias

I'm excited to have finally re-designed my blog button with code.  The graphics I used to make it are compliments of The Feathered Nest.  Feel free to grab the code and put on your blog or website if you'd like. 

My friend Lauren makes the most beautiful cakes.  She made the wedding cake for my husband and I when we were married, and served as my matron of honor 22+ years ago.   Here is a picture of a nautical cake she made recently for a friend's anniversary party.  Isn't it fantastic? 

Nautical Cake made by my friend Lauren

Lastly today, I have some free vintage images for you.  I hope you enjoy them. 

~ Abby ~


  1. Hullo Abby had your old button on my blog so have updated it and loved the walk around your mother's garden, and Gods creation of those flowers is precious..
    every blessing and His gracious healing hand upon you dear sister in the LORD, Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Prayers continue for you, Abby!
    Beautiful pictures and the cake looks fabulous, what a talented friend!
    Have a wonderful Monday.

  3. thank you Abby for the graphics - they are beautiful. Do hope your ankle is starting to heal properly now.

  4. Abby, Your blog is so delightful to visit. I really should get over here more often!

    Love, love, love your mom's little birdie above. Great choice of verse too.

    I'm so sorry you are hurting with a fractured ankle. I will pray that it heals quickly.

    Thanks for visiting me yesterday on my blog. I appreciate it.

    Hope you have a blessed week!

  5. ooops...I meant to say that your friend is indeed gifted in cake decorating. That's a fantastic nautical design! Looks too pretty to eat :)

    Snagged your new button and put it on my Vintage page.

  6. So glad you have a new button! I'm grabbing it right now!

  7. hi Abby :) thank you for sharing your lovely pictures, The Lord gave me this verse "Be still and know that I am God" when my Dad died, so it is a comfort to me ♥ hope your ankle heals soon, and adore your cake!! happy anniversary xx

  8. Abby, I LOVE your new blog look!! So lovely -- just like you are!
    Wanted to thank you for all the sweet comments you've left on my blog from time to time and the sweet emails as well.
    I always enjoy browsing you blog -- it's such a peaceful spot in "Blogland!"
    Love the nautical cake -- and the pic you have at the top of this post! You certainly have an eye for photography -- your pics are unique and lovely!!

  9. THANKS ABBY!!!! WOW!!!!!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAKE!!!!!! It PROBABLY TASTES WONDERFUL TOO!!!!!!!!:)HOPE you're soon able to get around easier! :)

  10. Your pictures are lovely...that cake is incredible! Did it taste as good as it looks? Thank you for the beautiful graphics.

  11. Hi Abby, It's been awhile since I have popped over here. I grabbed your new button. It's precious. Thanks for the freebies. BLessings, Cathy

  12. Hi Abby,
    Your blog remodel is fabulous! Praying for your spirits to be lifted and your ankle to grow strong.

    Thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos from your Mother's garden. I am a serial plant killer, but I love to visit thriving gardens and to take photos. Scriptures just seem to flow out of my heart when looking through the lens at God's wondrous creation. Thanks for sharing your work so often annotated by scripture.

  13. Thank you for todays scripture and the wonderful quote from Corre Ten Boom! Your friends cake is stunning! How creative! TFS!

  14. Wow, what a fabulous cake! Your friend does a beautiful job - I have a tough time putting icing on a sheet cake :)

    Thank you for the sweet Scripture and beautiful graphics - you are such a sweetie!

    Love, prayers, and hugs!

  15. I love all of these beautiful creations, Abby. I hope your ankle is feeling better today. Your new blog design is wonderful--I love it. Great job.

  16. Abby, I always love when I can drop by. The wonderful beauty and godliness that you share is so encouraging! Thank you for the new button I have it on my blog.
    Have a beautiful day!


Your comments are blessings to my day.