
Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm Back from my Blogging Break

Peace does not dwell in outward things,
but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully
and quietly on Him who has all things
safely in His hands.

~ Elisabeth Elliot

You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

Hello dear friends, I'm back from my blogging break.  Some of you may wonder what I've been doing...

I've been recovering from my fractured ankle and doing well with that.   Able to walk now without a big protective boot. 

Spending some time with my sweet grandchildren.

Rescuing Woody from the garden fence.  Somehow this reminds me of Mr. McGregor and the Peter Rabbit story.

Hanging out with grand-kids hoping to see a fish jump out of the water.

I've been doing a little paper-crafting.


Doing a little sewing.  Made a tote bag for my friend Lauren's birthday.  This was a bit of an experiment using laminated fabric (I guess that's one of the names for this fabric - shiny on one side).  It was advised that I use a walking foot on my sewing machine.  I didn't have one but thought I could outsmart the machine, wrong!!  I later found a tip on pinterest that you could put a piece of tape under the presser foot when sewing with this fabric. 

Here's a bag I made for my mother's birthday.  She loves birds, (hmmm.. wonder where I get it from), so I found the bird fabric **here** from my friend's etsy shop, Piney Rose Designs.  I lined it with wool, and made the handles from wool as well.  She loved it of course. 

Here's my mom at her birthday celebration.  See how happy she looks?  I think it's because of her new bag. 

I could be mistaken, perhaps it's the cupcakes that made her so happy. 

My husband had the privilege to baptize two men from our church family.  We all gathered at a local beach as they wanted to be baptized in the ocean.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 

That's all the news I'll leave you with right now.  Thanks for your patience with me while I took my blog vacation.  I'm looking forward to fall, cooler temperatures, color changes, and things made with pumpkin. 

Have a delightful rest of the week.


  1. Great welkom Abby.
    Lovely grandchilderen and lovely blogpost.
    Like the photo of your husband in the see .I was baptised in a swimmingpool in 1980.
    Gr Elly

  2. Welcome back! h, sth

  3. Hi Abby,
    I'm thankful you are back; I've missed you! Thanks for the little "catch-up" on what you've been up to. I hope your time away has been refreshing and healing. The tote bags you made are so cute... makes me wish I could sew! ~Pamelyn

  4. Welcome home! Blogdom was not the same without you!

    Loved being caught up! So glad that you've given the boot the boot. I was batized in a tank. Do they ever disinfect those things? Ha!

    Looks as if you stayed busy for the bags, both of them. Your mother has a most winning smile.

  5. I'm so glad you're back! What a lovely break.

    I'm thankful your ankle is healing and you are doing well.

    Baptized in the ocean?! That is amazing! Talk about being able to behold the wonders and power of God while testifying about His great salvation.

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacay spent with your loved ones.

    I love the bags & I'm sure your mom loved hers too.

    Glad to hear that your ankle is healing well.

    Huggies & Sweet Blessings to you ~


  7. Welcome back!

    Missed your blog info in my email box but so glad you are doing better now after your ankle issue. Your grandchildren are adorable. Thanks for all you share and for spreading the Word of the Lord.


  8. Lovely to see you back Abby - I enjoyed the photos you have shared, and am pleased to hear your ankle is not well on the mend.

  9. So glad to hear you're feeling up to blogging and crafting again. We go through our trials, but God is SO GOOD and always sees us through. The picture of the baptism brought back wonderful memories for me. I was baptized in Chub Lake (northern Minnesota) and I will never forget it. Thanks for sharing your post. I'm so blessed to be your friend, and always glad to lift you up in prayer
    Hugs & Prayers,

  10. YAY!! I am so excited to hear you're back on your blog :) I have missed your wonderful posts, dear friend! You have been a busy lady and it sounds like a lovely break. You are so talented with your sewing machine and your paper crafts are gorgeous! Welcome back, Abby :)

    Love and hugs!

  11. It's so nice to catch up with you! I'm glad you had such a nice summer and I'm glad you're back:) Twyla

  12. So glad you're back! blessings~~angela

  13. Welcome back dear Abby:) Glad that you're feeling better and great to see your snaps. The bags are so cute. Missed your posts. Today's verse is very encouraging. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Looks like you have had a beautiful summer despite the setback… Welcome back :)

  15. It is good to have you back - thank you for your encouragements. Your quote by Elisabeth Elliot is the next piece in my jigsaw of thinking about God's peace and sitting still! There is so much to explore about God and what He says to us and how He teaches us many things. xx

  16. Welcome back, friend. Sounds like a good break. I love the bags. I have a "thing" for trees. So happy you are healing and hope you'll soon be totally healed.

  17. Welcome back Abby! :) LOVE ALL OF YOUR PICTURES!!!!!!!;) LOOKS LIKE your "rest" was WELL WORTH IT!!!!!:) BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!:)


  19. What a wonderful blog break you had...such lovely family you have...the picture of the baptising is beautiful...praise God for those souls. Glad your ankle has mended well...blessings

  20. Glad you're back! I LOVE the baptism photo! It's really nice.

  21. Welcome back Abby will be great to have your posts in my inbox again.

    I am taking we step back from it myslef too much to do etc at this time of year here is it spring y'see :D

    Praying every blessing in your recuperation, hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

  22. Good to hear you are mending well, your grandkids are too cute, I bet it is such a joy to spend time with them. Love your bags, I have only made a couple simple ones, (no zippers) but someday would like to try my hand at a little more complicated!

  23. Welcome back!! You have been greatly missed!!

    I loved catching up with you on this post! What a bunch of little cuties your grandchildren are and the picture of all of them together is priceless! I also loved Woody's picture! :D

    You did a beautiful job of the tote bags and the cards are lovely too! It was good to get to see a picture of your mother. I am enamored with the dining room that she is in! Beautiful!

    It looks you have had a very full summer! I am very pleased to hear that your ankle is recovering well! Hugs to you!

  24. Yay Abby, I'm so glad you're back blogging again. Thanks so much for sharing us the good news of progress with your ankle and getting beyond having to wear the boot. I've been wondering about that.

    The baptism scene is absolutely wonderful. What a beautiful way to be baptized!

  25. Abby I so enjoyed the blog today. Thanks for posting Beth Moore's poem about Grace. We just recently had Ladies mini day retreat with the theme about Grace. The collage was beautiful too. I know each of you had a good time.

  26. Hello, I just found your blog while doing a search for Pastor Appreciation Day. Your graphics are beautiful! As well as your blog. Thanks for having this available, I will look forward to receiving your emails. You have blessed my day.
    Have a blessed day, Elizabeth


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