
Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunshine in My Soul

I've been sick and somewhat quarantined from the people I love.  I opened the door yesterday morning to check the weather and this is what I found:

Blah, dreary, dull, boring.  No sun, no fresh fallen snow, just blah.... like I felt.   I snapped the picture using my ipad and messaged it to my sister who lives thousands of miles away as she takes an interest in these sort of things. 

I came across the hymn today, Sunshine in My Soul (you know where I'm going with this, don't you) and doesn't matter how I feel physically, or what the weather is like.  As long as there is sunshine in my soul, everything will be okay. 

This lovely hymn was written by Eliza Hewitt many years ago, during a time of painful confinement for her.  I'd encourage you to read an earlier post I wrote **here** for more about this remarkable woman, and this hymn. 

There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light.
O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul. 

I'll close with a quote from Elisabeth Elliot. 

"The promises of God will lift me right out of sad sentimentality and put music in my mouth if I will think steadily on them. Let the promise be the song you sing. He will hear it and make it true for you".


  1. I HOPE you get to FEELING BETTER, ABBY!!!! I DO know how you feel---I had a WHOPPER of a headache for THREE DAYS this weekend!! It FINALLY LIFTED!!! I trudged on! God is GOOD to give us STRENGTH during those times of not feeling well!!!!!!!!!!! AND SUNSHINE in our souls!!!!!!!!:) BLESSINGS ABBY!!!!!!!!!! STAY IN where it's warm & cozy!!!!!!:) ((((HUGS!!!!))))

  2. Oh Abby, I hope you are feeling better VERY soon! The song you shared with us is the perfect medicine and I pray you have Sunshine in your soul all day, sweet friend. Praying for you and sending you lots of love!

  3. Praying . . . l, sth

  4. What a gifted songwriter and hymn. Be well my friend.

  5. I hope you get to feeling better soon! No fun to have the winter blues -- especially when your sick on top of it.

  6. Hoping that you already are feeling better.

  7. Praying you recover quickly Abbie - and glad to hear there is Sonshine your heart to beat the blah's.

  8. So beautiful and you put a smile in my heart and set my focus on Jesus today! I hope and pray that you will be feeling 100% real soon! Thank you for your ministry and love.

  9. It's no fun being ill and there are times when we forget that God has everything under control. So very easy to do... You inspire me with this reminder.

  10. Oh Abby, I'm so sorry you've been ill and glad you are on the mend.
    Another hymn came to mind my mind and that was the hymn "Count Your Blessings" :-) Hugs & blessings!!!!

  11. HOpe you are feeling better soon! Thanks for sharing the inspiration :)

  12. ah so very very true Abby we need to look up and not at the mud underneath.. Looking unto Jesus... how precious that is... every blessing for the LORD's healing. Shaz in Oz.x

  13. Such an uplifting song, winters with not much sun are hard on me but I have to be reminded of his goodness. Hope your feeling much better soon!

  14. It's just like you to find SUNSHINE in the sick days! Thanks for the wonderful reminder ~ our church loves this great old song! Praying you are feeling better...

  15. Abby...It's Thursday and I hope you are on the mend. You know I absolutely love to read about the hymns you know so much about. I have been wondering what new hymn our family can learn...well, I think it will be this one. Thank you. I always love my visit here. Blessings to you sweet friend.

  16. Abby,
    How sad to hear that you have been sick! I am praying now for your full restoration and good health! May the Lord bless you richly, dear one.

  17. Abby,
    How sad to hear that you have been sick! I am praying now for your full restoration and good health! May the Lord bless you richly, dear one.

  18. Conheci o seu blog hoje e agradeço a Deus por isso, achei maravilhoso. Também sou esposa de pastor aqui em Minas gerais Brasil. Amei tudo o que vi. Deus te abençoe!

  19. Thank you so much Abby for sharing this beautiful hymn! Just a joy to know the Saviour, it makes the dreary days shine brightly!


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