
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Free Pretty Things for You

I have some exciting news.  Keren, from Free Pretty Things For You, has invited me to be a guest today on her blog.  If you've never visited Keren's place, also known as FPTFY, you are missing out.  She has the most delightful free digital graphics, scrapbook paper, facebook banners, and so much more.

I have designed a number of different graphics which she is featuring, all focusing on blessings.  These are made fresh for you, free for your personal use.  See graphics assortment below:

To download the images:
you can find links for page 1 and 2 on Keren's blog **here**

A link to page 3 is **here**

and a link to page 4 is **here**

You would need to visit both of our pages to have access to all the images pictured.  Thanks so much dear ones.  I appreciate you visiting us both today, and appreciate sweet Keren for inviting me to share in this way with her.  Remember you can add to your JOY by counting your BLESSINGS.


  1. These are beautiful! Thank you SO very much :)

  2. These are so beautiful, thanks so very much for sharing them with us, it´s most apreciated, that´s for sure.

  3. Simply lovely...I hope to snag the first for sure! Thank you, Abby!

  4. Hi Abby~

    These are such a blessing indeed! Thank you for sharing them with us. I love the first image, and the Scripture John 1:16 will look beautiful framed! Is that you in the image with the sheet music? I couldn't get the image to enlarge to see the details. (I haven't figured out this touch screen computer yet.) These are wonderful, and I just can't wait to use these in different scrapbooks. Thank you!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

  5. The Honor was all mine my dear friend!! What A bless you are to me and SO MANY!!!!

    Cant wait to do it again!!!

  6. The Honor was All mine my dear friend!!!
    What a blessing you are to me and SO many!!

    Cant wait to do it again!

  7. Beautiful thanks Abby - may your generosity be blessed

  8. I really appreciate this!!! So cute and I am starting my journal today!!! What wonderful way to glorify God by sharing something we can also glorify Him with....recognizing His blessing upon us which I am sure we do to some extent anyway....but writing it down on paper is a forever remembrance to us...for those "low" days when we need reminding of how much He has done for this is an eternal "thanks". Sandy

  9. Love the idea of a prayer journal Abby! Also, I used some of your images today in a post and wanted to thank you, dearie :)

  10. Hi Abby! Your graphics continue to get more and more beautiful! I am headed over to Keren's blog. Hugs and blessings to you!

  11. Hi there! I'm visiting from Strangers&Pilgrims - I wanted to thank you for the lovely strawberry graphics that JES used for her labels that she posted today. They're just beautiful. And I'm happy to find your blog, too. Thanks again.

  12. So happy to read your good news!

    Your work is beautiful and what's more, so is your encouragement, generosity, and sharing your heart with us!

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear Abby! :)

  13. Thank you SO much for all that you do. YOU are a blessing and inspiration!!! Hugs. <3

  14. I love your work and appreciate the freebies.
    I too love vintage.
    You are such an inspiration to me.


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