
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Times are in His Hands

So wait before the Lord. Wait in the stillness.
And in that stillness, assurance will come to you.
You will know that you are heard;
you will know that your Lord ponders
the voice of your humble desires;
you will hear quiet words spoken to you yourself,
perhaps to your grateful surprise and refreshment.
~ Amy Carmichael ~

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD;
I say, “You are my God.” 
Psalm 31:14-15a

You can click **here** to read a previous post I wrote about a Swedish woman named Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell, born in 1832.  She understood this verse and her woes led her to write one of the most famous hymns of our day.

Have a blessed day my friends.  I'm sorry for my absence here on the blog. I've missed you, and missed being here.  

If you are on facebook, you can find me here:


  1. (Did you know that FB is excluding folks of a certain persuasion from its pages? Unbelievable! )

    So happy to see a new post and such an encouraging and uplifting post, too. Off to read that link. I'm trying to think what the hymn might be. You make me want to know!

  2. A beautiful post. Yes, our times are in His hands.

  3. What a BEAUTIFUL post, Abby! Yes, you HAVE been missed! I actually NEEDED this post today! Many things happening in the past weeks & I am looking for His direction! THANK YOU DEAR LADY!!!! :)BLESSINGS TO YOU!!!!

  4. Hello Abby,
    Nice to see you. :-)
    I am so thankful that my times are in the hands of the Lord, that is so reassuring.
    I must come back when I have more time and read the link.
    Have a beautiful day!

  5. Hello Abby,
    Nice to see you. :-)
    I am so thankful that my times are in the hands of the Lord, that is so reassuring.
    I must come back when I have more time and read the link.
    Have a beautiful day!

  6. Lovely post. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  7. This is beautiful and inspiring, Abby. Thank you so much.
    Blessing hugs,

  8. Lovely words Abby, and as usual, timely for my life.... which has been a bit fraught of late.

  9. Good morning Abby :)
    I love the quote you shared by Amy Carmichael! A nice reminder to slow down, "be still" ... Your posts always bring peace and encouragement, thank you...

    "A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
    Proverbs 11:25

  10. Thank you Abby! Lovely image and perfect verse!! I know I will get a lot of use with it!! Hope you are having a nice summer!!'
    Ginny M

  11. Hello dear Abby! It's so good to visit your blog and read a post - you have been missed!

    Thank you for this encouraging, sweet post. Thinking of you! Love and hugs

  12. So nice to find you again and read another lovely post. Your blog is very uplifting and sweet. ~~~I'm Carolyn from the old blog Simple Southern Cottage. I can no longer access my old blogs and Blogger will not help me whatsoever. And it's all because of issues between Google/Blogger and Yahoo. I finally just gave up and started a new blog. I am in the process of moving old posts to my new one. I hope you will visit me .


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