
Monday, September 1, 2014

Unexpected Surprise & Birthday Reflections

Today is my birthday, it’s a big one but I’ll get to that later.  In the span of a week (give or take a few days), my husband, son-in-law, and mother had a birthday.  But…the icing on the cake, was my sweet little grandson arriving in the world this week, much to our surprise, 3 weeks early.   I can’t ask for a better birthday present than that.  He is a healthy 7 lbs, 1 oz.

My daughter called me week and said "I just thought I'd wake you in the middle of the night to see if you think August 28th would be a good day for the baby to have a birthday?"  Well, the rest is history.  When he arrived later that day, he was officially declared a baby boy, although ultrasound suspected as such.

So . . reality struck that I'm actually 50 years old now.  Half a century; I’ve lived 5 decades;  I’m officially “over the hill”.   Being a grandmother helps it to sink in a little better.  

I’d like to think that over these 50 years that I've been alive, I've learned a thing or two.  On my 50th birthday, I’d like to share 50 things I've learned. I’m certainly not perfect, but as I age, the things on this list have become easier to accomplish.  In no particular order, here they are:

  1. Less is more, keep it simple
  2. Teach children Bible verses at a young age
  3. Sometimes it's better to listen than to speak
  4. Apologize when appropriate, Forgiveness is mandatory
  5. Don't speak when angry
  6. The gas gauge in my car is there for a reason
  7. Things don't matter, people do
  8. Appreciate every day
  9. Have peace, and rest in the promise that God is in control
  10. Look for the blessings each day has to offer
  11. Be a good mother-in-law
  12. Respect my husband
  13. Giving is better than receiving
  14. Don't panic
  15. Help if I see a need and am able to fulfill it
  16. Teach children to be respectful
  17. Be kind
  18. Read my Bible every day
  19. Pray before I make decisions
  20. Children are people too, be respectful of their feelings
  21. Send real mail more often
  22. Don't be judgmental
  23. Take children to Sunday School & Church as young as possible
  24. Compliment others
  25. Don't think of myself as better than others
  26. Don't use social media as a place to get out frustration
  27. Send thank you notes
  28. Think before I speak
  29. Put the needs of my family ahead of my own
  30. Candid photos are sometimes better than posed
  31. Family doesn't have to be blood relation
  32. Be silly with kids, they love it
  33. If I have nothing nice to say, be silent
  34. If it's not my news, don't tell it, text it, tweet it, or type it
  35. Laughter is good
  36. Be content with what I have, don't be jealous of others
  37. Be sensitive to the needs & feelings of others
  38. Don't leave wet laundry in machine more than a day
  39. Give hugs
  40. Patience is a virtue
  41. Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there
  42. Be Thankful
  43. Don't be surprised with answered prayer
  44. Trust God's will for my life, wholeheartedly
  45. Accept a compliment or gift with gratitude
  46. Reading a book to a child is more important than dishes
  47. Go outside, breathe in God's creation
  48. Don't sweat the small stuff, it will steal my joy
  49. Prioritize family over obligations
  50. Accept help when needed or offered

This list is certainly not complete, but I enjoyed reflecting on these 50 things. My life has not been without trials, but I believe they have helped shape my character.  I can truly say I am content, and have a joyful heart.  My contentment and joy comes from a faith based belief in Jesus as my Savior. I've put two links below if you'd like to know more about that.  

Little Birdie Blessings ~ Eternal Destination

FYI - My post "Eternal Destination", since it was published in 2012 has been viewed close to 10,000 times - making it one of the top posts of the hundreds I've written. 

Proverbs 31 Ministries ~ Do you Know Jesus?

Thank you for visiting today.  Have a wonderful week.


  1. A very happy half century indeed.... and how thrilling was your grandson present too. A great rich heritage we have in our Saviour. What a blessing that post has had 10, 000 hits... may God bless everyone who read it unto salvation. Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Happy Birthday, Abby. Tomorrow is my husbands 71st birthday! God is Good!!
    Congrats on the new Grandbaby!

  3. Great list, Abby! We would all do well to take each one to heart. Here's wishing you a very happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday, Abby. I enjoyed reading your 50 tidbits of wisdom; the serious and the silly. I have learned many of these same things over my years, all 56 of them. I would like to add one.

    Never 'act your age'. Just be you.God made you that way on purpose.

    Blessing hugs,

  5. Happy and Blessed Birthday to you (with music) I always enjoy your Little Birdie Blessings and pass them along so others may be Blessed, Congratulations on being Grandmother Enjoy it. I also liked your 50 list.
    Have a Wonderful Good Day :) Patti

  6. Well I can't not comment on this! You're just a sweet young'un and a young grandmother, too. I did not become a grandmother until even later. This is a great list of things you have learned. I need one, except everyone would know that I hadn't learned them all perfectly yet! Congrats on the new baby boy grand and a Happy Birthday!

  7. This was lovely! Thanks for sharing it in our group! And happy birthday!!!!!!

  8. HAPPY
    It is a mile stone :) Love your list and may your BIRTHDAY be Special and Blessed!

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Abby. May the Lord bless you with many more. Loved the list and congratulations on that new grandson. Hugs, Bernadette

  10. Happy Birthday Abby!!! Congrats on joining the 1/2 century club. I've been a member for a couple of years and the view is great from here. A new grandbaby is the best birthday gift. I enjoyed reading your list, I see a couple things I am still working on LOL. Love your blessings graphic. Hope you don't mind my posting it on the side bar of my blog.

  11. Happy Birthday Abby, and congratulations on the birth of your grandson! What a happy, happy time this is for you!

    I have read through your list of 50 things learned over the years and agree with every one of them. Some I already knew and some I had not thought about until now.

    I am enriched with your blog posts and illustrations. Thank you for your messages of comfort and encouragement in the blogging world. I always know that when I click on your blog, I will be reading in a "safe place."

  12. Congrats with both the n Birthday and not least the little new grandson. I just got one myself here earlier this summer. It´s my birthday in a couple of weeks and a few years ago, I was even more lucky than you, as I got a little granddaughter on my actual birthday, and today she truly believe, she´s grandma´s favorit, as she was my birthdaypresent and arrived in the middle of the party ha ha ha.

  13. Ah, Happy Birthday, dear Abby!!!!! How wonderful to know the Lord is blessing you in such sweet and wonderful ways and bringing Himself glory!! I praise God with you, dear friend!
    I LOVE your list of 50 things :) I've started a list like this years ago and many of them are the same or similar!! One day I'll have to post it, too :)
    I always love your blog and inspirations that appeal to our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! He is so good to us!
    Enjoy your special day. I hope it is filled with joy and thanksgiving!

  14. What a wonderful birthday gift Abby - and thank you for blessings us with your 50 thoughts.
    Blessings and Birthday Wishes

  15. Happy,happy birthday Abby! Thank you for being a blessing in so many ways :-)

  16. Congratulations Abby! :) AND Happy Birthday too! :D I enjoyed reading your post today! The lessons are NEVER OVER---to the Glory of God! ((((BIRTHDAY HUGS!!!)))) :)

  17. Happy Birthday to a very dear lady! Your post was such a joy to read, Abby, and I truly appreciate your words of wisdom. You, my dear friend, have blessed my life in more ways than one - thank you!

    And congratulations to everyone! What a sweet and special time. Love to you!

  18. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my sweet friend. Happy Birthday to you. I loved your list Abby. So much to glean there. May the Lord continue to grow you up in Him and make His face to shine upon on you always. Much love and hugs!

  19. Happy Birthday, Abby! I hope you had a great day. I chuckled at #6 :) Thank you for sharing these 50 things that can bring more joy to our lives.

  20. And a huge CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a grandmother!!! Life will never be the same :)

  21. Thank you for sharing! I am glad to glean from your 50 years of wisdom. I think it a blessing ;)

  22. Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day was an extra special one!
    Love your list of 50 things you've learned! Some made me smile, and others struck a chord in my heart!

  23. A semi-centurion indeed, Abby. I really enjoyed your list. Life can make us or break us as they say and you seem to have gone with "in all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus". I am going to use this as a check list on my road to improvement. Thank you, Carole

  24. Such a wonderful birthday gift and on your 50th, one to remember, next year you will be even busier celebrating birthdays :) Congrats again on your little one and may God continue blessing you in the coming year!

  25. Happy Birthday and congratulations on the birth of your grandson! (I'm visiting from Stephanie's blog)

  26. I'm a little late but Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new grandbaby!

  27. Love this list! and happy belated birthday to you.

  28. Happy (belated) birthday blessings to you, Abby, and blessings to your new grandbaby, too. Your list is wonderful and I agree with them.

  29. A very happy birthday ( a bit late) to you, dear Lady!


Your comments are blessings to my day.