
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blessed, Not Lucky

My friend and I were tweens when she was given a birthday card by a youth leader.  The card had the words "good luck" crossed out.  The woman told my friend she didn't believe in luck. We thought she was a little wacky for thinking that.  

About 38 years have passed since I was a tweenager (you're doing the math aren't you?) and I can tell you the trials have been many.  Have I been unlucky? Some might think so.  If I were to compare blessings vs. trials in two columns, the blessings would far outweigh the trials.  I've been blessed beyond measure.

Look for your blessings today, write them down.  Look for your blessings tomorrow, write them down.  Do this everyday in a special notebook.  I guarantee your spirits will be lifted.

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1897
free facebook cover

The graphics in this post were made for you.  Free for personal use or sharing. Click on image to open to largest size, right click and save to your computer. Have a blessed day friends.


  1. Abby, I have always said that I don't believe in luck, I believe as a believer I am blessed. Our blessing come in many forms, they may not be what we want but from God they are still a blessing. Have a blessed day,my friend!


  2. A good reminder and a beautiful graphic, Abby. Thank you.
    Blessing hugs,

  3. It is a very nice graphic. I rarely use the word "luck." I do not believe in happenstance; I believe that every little thing happens for a reason and is part of a plan within the parameters of free choice. I like the tally idea. So true! We are blessed.

  4. Oh, I so agree...sometimes I find myself biting my tongue when I hear someone say something about being lucky (or unlucky)...especially when they are a Christian. What a great reminder here!

  5. I feel the same way, it feels wrong to say lucky... I do write down at least 3 things a day that I am thankful for.

  6. So true, Abby. Thank you for pointing this out today. The graphic is wonderful. Thanks so much!

  7. I have had a blessings notebook for years now, and it is a great discipline. Thank you for the images Abby

  8. Yes, I am blessed too....altho sometimes I say lucky! Thanks for the free facebook cover, hope I can get it to work!

  9. That is so true! Luck has nothing to do with it - but His blessings are new every morning - Great is His faithfulness! Thank you!!!

  10. Thank you for the FB cover. I just posted it to my FB cover! Blessings to you Abby :)
    ~Heather Elizabeth, Blue Jeans And Teacups

  11. So, so, so true! We are indeed richly blessed...luck has nothing to do with it :)

    Lovely post, my friend. Thank you for sharing. Hugs!

  12. It has been awhile since I last visited your blog. It is as wonderful as ever. You are a very inspiring person and the world needs more like you.

  13. I love this song, Abby. It led me many times to count my blessings--long before it was "in style" to do so. Yet the present day encouragement has been a good discipline. I acknowledge who gives me each blessing and I agree, luck doesn't have anything to do with it. Again your graphics speak as loud as your words. What a ministry!


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