
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hymn Story ~ God Will Take Care of You

Around the year 1904, a woman named Civilla D. Martin was at home confined to bed due to illness.While her husband was away one day preaching, she wrote the hymn God Will Take Care of You. When he returned home, she gave the words to him. He sat down at his organ and wrote the music. 

I’m sure this hymn has impacted many lives, and to this day still does, including my own. One man in particular, about 25 years or so after this was written (1930), was hospitalized with a severe care of shingles.  Prior business deals had failed, he was in physical pain as well as emotional pain, filled with despair and little hope.
One morning while in his hospital bed, he heard this hymn coming from the hospital chapel.  

Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.

God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

The man followed the music into the chapel and as he listened, he felt his burdens lift. All worries left him, as he realized just how much God loved him. He later recalled those moments in the chapel as the most dramatic and glorious twenty minutes of my life.  

Who is this man who was so filled with despair? Mr. James C. Penney, founder of the American Department store chain, J.C. Penney.
Thanks for visiting today. Whatever your circumstances, know that you can look to God for your strength and help. I take comfort I can claim the words of this hymn as my own.

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you 
with My righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

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  1. What a wonderful inspiring story. Thanks for sharing this Abby. Many blessings on your Sunday.

  2. I love this song too and I love the messages written in many of our older songs. I am thankful I still attend a church that sings out of song books and sings the old hymns. And yes I can testify GOD will take care of you! Thanks for sharing this story of yesteryear! Beautiful! hugs, Judy

  3. I still love those old hymns best!

    Thank you for sharing this touching story on J.C. Penney. I have often heard he was such a good Christian man. How amazing that God used this song to reach out to him at this great hour of hurt and need, in his life.

    God bless you, Net

  4. So very precious Abby. Shared on my FB page and on Christian page on there yoo. How wonderful is that digi too. Shaz in Oz.x ♡

  5. A wonderful story...a wonderful hymn...

  6. Lovely story, Abby. This is such a beautiful hymn and one we have often sung at our church. Thanks for sharing this today!

  7. Thank you Abby - for the story behind the hymn, and reminding me of the wonderful truth that God will take care of us!

  8. Thank you, dear Abby, for sharing this lovely and inspiring story. This hymn is very special to me and I truly appreciate the words. God WILL take care of us - what a sweet promise.

    Have a beautiful week, my friend!

  9. Thank you! Beautiful song and images! Thank you for sharing this story! :)

  10. I'm singing this song in my head now. :) A great hymn with a great truth. It's so reassuring to know and be reminded that God WILL take care of us, no matter what. Thanks for bringing this song and promise to mind.

  11. Oh, I love this song! It's so nice to know the story behind it - I love to hear about all the hymns and how they were written. My other favorite story is the one behind "It is well with my soul." Thank you for sharing and for all your wonderful posts!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - I truly appreciate you linking up, sweet friend!

  13. I love this song. We sang it just last Sunday at church. Thank you so much for sharing the story behind it!

  14. to Elizabeth Curry - I'm not able to respond to your email about this graphic, as I get a message that the email is invalid. Could you email me again and include the address? Thanks. ~ Abby


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